Benefit for struggle against Gentrification in Jeruzalem neighbourhood in Amsterdam East

20160526_Benefit_for_struggle_against_Gentrification_in_Jeruzalem_neighbourhood_in_Amsterdam_EastThursday May 26th 2016, Benefit for struggle against Gentrification in Jeruzalem neighbourhood in Amsterdam East, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Bewoners van de wijk Jeruzalem in Amsterdam-Oost verzetten zich al jaren tegen het voornemen van woningcorporatie Rochdale om hun sociale huurwoningen te slopen. Meerdere woonblokken bleven behouden, maar het voortbestaan van blok G&H staat momenteel op het spel. Wat ooit een parel was van de naoorlogse woningbouw wordt tot symbool van de hedendaagse gentrificatie.

De bewoners van Jeruzalem hebben zich altijd ingezet voor behoud van hun wijk en de betaalbaarheid van hun woningen. In 2009, na een felle strijd van de bewonerscommissie, zijn het stadsdeel, Rochdale en de monumenten organisaties overeen gekomen de wijk te vernieuwen. Een deel van de blokken kreeg de monumentenstatus toegewezen, de rest moest wijken voor nieuwbouw. Deze omstreden oplossing ging in 2010 in rook op toen Rochdale aankondigde last van de crisis en haar eigen wanbeheer te hebben. Bewoners en het stadsdeel waren ontsteld. De woningen waren namelijk dringend aan een opknapbeurt toe en er was veel tijd en energie in de in 2009 overeengekomen plannen gestoken. De daaropvolgende jaren was Rochdale voor een substantieel deel van de bewoners onzichtbaar in de wijk en werd achterstallig onderhoud steeds voelbarder en zichtbaarder.

Deze situatie waren een aantal bewoners van de Pasteurstraat en de Hugo de Vrieslaan in 2014 beu. Ze kwamen bijeen om zelf plannen te ontwikkelen en om de leefkwaliteit van de wijk te verbeteren. De bewoners werden enthousiast, namen het heft in eigen handen en brachten de net uitgeroepen participatiemaatschappij in de praktijk. Rochdale was allerminst gecharmeerd en kondigde begin 2015 alsnog de sloopplannen aan tijdens een emotionele bijeenkomst. Sindsdien wordt het mantra van de sloop herhaald en hebben vooral oudere mensen tegen hun zin in hun woning verlaten.

De bewoners uit blokken G&H hebben het er niet bij laten zitten. Inmiddels is er samen met LB-Architect een toekomstvisie geschreven. Daarin worden missie en doelen uiteengezet. De bewoners hebben zich verenigd in de Wooncoöperatie Jeruzalem. Een coöperatieve vereniging die aan momentum wint. Ondanks de verhuizing van verschillende bewoners met een stadsvernieuwingsurgentie is er steeds meer interesse van de huidige huurders die niet willen vertrekken uit Jeruzalem. Er bestaat veel onduidelijkheid over het aanbod en de plannen van Rochdale. Daarnaast worden de opties op de Amsterdamse woningmarkt steeds beperkter door de massale verkoop van sociale huurwoningen, terwijl Rochdale zich wederom als projectontwikkelaar voor het hoge segment opstelt. Hoog tijd om de corporatie aan haar verplichtingen te herinneren zich op haar kerntaken te concentreren en zich voor haar huurders in te zetten.

Het doel is uiteindelijk om de blokken G&H te behouden en een geheel te blijven vormen met de rest van de wijk. De wooncoöperatie hoopt daarbij ook op steun vanuit de rest van de wijk en andere bewoners van deze stad die zich niet met veel poen een plekje in het pretpark Amsterdam kunnen kopen.

Tijdens de benefiet zullen we het verhaal verder uitleggen, donatie gaan aan de wooncoöperatie aan de kosten voor campagnemateriaal bij te dragen. […Lees verder]

Info Benefietavond demotour ‘Geen kind aan de kant!’

Demotour_Geen_kind_aan_de_kantThursday May 12th 2016, Info Benefietavond demotour ‘Geen kind aan de kant!’, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In mei worden twee demotours georganiseerd om samen met de vluchtelingen in de gezinslocaties te demonstreren voor de rechten van vluchtelingenkinderen. Ter ondersteuning van deze campagne worden er een aantal benefietavonden gehouden, waaronder in Joe’s. Na een heerlijke maaltijd zal er op deze avond uitleg worden gegeven over de gezinslocaties en natuurlijk aan deelname aan de tour! Voor meer informatie:

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Nieuwland-Soweto benefit and info night

NieuwlandThursday April 21st 2016, Nieuwland-Soweto benefit and info night, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Update from Nieuwland dated 02/04/2016:

Dear NieuwLand visitors, after three months of relative radio-silence, here’s what’s been going on.

In spring 2015 many friends helped us with blood, sweat, tears and money to make the public space NieuwLand a reality. It has become a beautiful place and of course we couldn’t wait to start with using it! Many people were enthusiastic to make NieuwLand into a great social-political neighbourhood centre, accessible to people with or without a big wallet. A place that recognises and supports non-subsidised social/political initiatives, where issues can be shared and discussed. A place where you can enjoy getting together, for idealists, activists, neighbours, everybody.

We enthusiastically started with the NieuwLand Athenaeum, the Kapstok Hangout, filmnights, information- and discussion nights, and of course the people’s kitchen: cooking vegan food together and sharing it as a way to foster solidarity for good causes. Your participation benefited several small initiatives for refugees, the Food Not Bombs projects in the Philippines, the LLECA Prisoners theatre in Nicaragua, JAAN in Indonesia, the PQBDS & Alqaws in Israel, Buro Jansen & Jansen, and more.

While we were applying for the revelant permits to run the space, in December we received a letter from the municipality, forcing us to cancel our activities, under threat of a €10.000,- fine. We find the threat of a such a large fine an excessive measure against a volunteer collective and have filed a well argued formal protest. Since we always had been announcing our activities openly, we would have expected the authorities to approach us in case of problem, giving us the opportunity to explain about our goals and activities. The extensive threat of fine for any public activity made it impossible on the short term to come to an agreement to keep the space open while awaiting the permits. Not being discouraged and expecting to get the permits soon, we carried on with the permit application. Unfortunately, after the municipality extended the examination procedure, our request was refused!

We are putting all our efforts into making our dream for this place possible, and we still envisage a positive outcome. It is clear however, that it will take longer than we wished for (read: possibly several months from now). Until that time we will continue with a ‘light’ program, without the film nights and people’s kitchens. Think of: book swap and anarchist library, give-away shop/clothswaps, gardening days, chess nights. In April we are planning some dance workshops. During these activities, we are told it’s prohibited to serve drinks or food, even for free or in return of a donation – bringing something for yourself is possible though! The activities remain, like always, with free entrance, and there will be coffee and tea for free. If you have ideas or if you’d like to organise something yourself, send a message to: publiekepiet [at] soweto [dot] nl

So while we are still in the procedural limbo of permits applications, fine objections, and such, the rent for the space still needs to be paid. At the moment we, the NieuwLand volunteers, pay the rent ourselves. Also we will organise a few benefits nights at other locations: Last Saturday there was a benefit at MKZ. The next one will be Thursday 21st of April in Joe’s Garage! These nights we will also be present to explain more about the situation. See you!

Soweto: […Lees verder]

Benefit mobilisation Ende Gelände, Lausatia May 2016

Ende_Gelände_Lausatia_May_2016Thursday march 31st 2016, Benefit mobilisation Ende Gelände, Lausatia May 2016, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Join a vegan dinner and Ende Gelände info night at the Joe’s Garage!
Germany’s lignite –or browncoal- mines and coal plants are Europe’s biggest source of CO2 emissions and home to the world’s largest coal diggers. These mines are disastrous for the local communities and environment, and are a climate killer! And they are showing no signs of closing any time soon…
That is why in August 2015, 1500 people occupied the Garzweiler lignite mine in the Rhineland, Germany. This clearly showed that people are fed up and are willing to take action in their own hands if politicians are failing to ensure a safe future.
This year we will go further. In May , ‘Break Free from Fossil Fuels’ is being organized by a wide range of international, national and local organizations. Worldwide mass civil disobedience actions will take place to stop fossil fuel infrastructures. And Ende Gelände will be back, this time targeting the lignite mines in Lausitz (near Leipzig). Vatenvall, one of the largest energy corporations within Germany, has put their lignite mine for sale to the highest bidder, but they should be shutting it down. Thousands of concerned people will enter the mine to send a strong signal to the potential buyer. Corporations will have to see that putting their money over our climate and our lives will meet resistance. Also a legal demonstration will take place.
Organisation, grassroot movements and individuals from the Netherlands are joining forces to facilitate different busses towards Ende Gelände.
Feel free to come by the Joe’s for a lovely meal and all the ins and outs of Ende Gelände.
See you there!

[…Lees verder]

Still not loving Ymere

Ymere_geld_poster_Monday 14 December 2015, Still not loving Ymere. Info and discussion about Ymere. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Beginning of November, Ymere is discovering squatters have occupied empty apartments in the Transvaal neighborhood. Posters “Ymere informeer” appeared on the walls. Ymere removed them as soon as possible, horrified their image could be damaged. It only took a few days for the mayor to send riot cops and evict the squatters. On November 22nd, one apartment is resquatted, a public statement is made. The squat is speed evicted in 24 hours, people arrested in the building released without charges.
Ymere is still busy with the Tugela, soon will come the Eenhoorngebied, and so on. Gentrification goes on, neighborhoods from Amsterdam are slowly but surely cleaned. One may even use “social deportation”, or “social cleansing” when it comes to relocate a part of the population somewhere else. Anti-squat companies are just one step in the whole process.
The way the city is reacting to protect Ymere tells us a lot about the future of social housing in the neighborhood. Hubert Möllenkamp, former Rochdale director, has been sentenced to 2,5 years jail. How long can we expect Ymere to be protected by Van der Laan? During this time, the social housing waiting list is getting longer

Text from the Ymere poster:

Ymere informeer. Meld je nu aan voor tijdelijke huur bij Ymere. Minimale huurrechten?

  • Van sociale contracten naar permanente onzekerheid
    Sinds 2010 is Ymere bezig met renovatie, sloop en nieuwbouw aan de Tugelaweg. Sociale huur woningen moeten plaats maken voor vrije sector huurwoningen en koopwoningen. Nog een deel van Amsterdam wordt hierdoor onbetaalbaar voor Amsterdammers.
    Gelukkig heeft Ymere een oplossing voor mensen die de hoge huren niet kunnen veroorloven: de permanente onzekerheid van anti-kraak en tijdelijke huur.
    Ook aan de Tugelaweg heeft Ymere tijdelijke huurders gevestigd; tijdelijke huurders, die hier al jaren in onzekerheid verkeren, om vervolgens te horen dat ze binnen twee weken moeten ver huizen.
    Bij woningcorporatie Ymere kan je erop vertrouwen dat winst boven huurrecht wordt gesteld. Want… geld, geld, geld.
  • Van €350 sociale huur naar €550 tijdelijke huur
    Bij Ymere nemen wij het principe van geld en winst heel serieus. Daarom nemen wij geen genoegen met het gebrek aan huurbescherming van de tijdelijke huurders. Om onze winst te maximaliseren, verhuren we de huizen aan de Tugelaweg voor soms wel meer dan anderhalf maal de oorspronkelijke huur prijs.
    Dus wil jij ook minimale huurrechten en een torenhoge huur? Meld je nu aan voor tijdelijke huur bij Ymere.

[…Lees verder]

Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal

mumia_thenandnow2015Monday December 7th 2015, Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is an African American reporter and political activist, who spent 34 years innocent in the prison of Pennsylvania, from which he spent 30 years in isolation on death row. Here the statement issued by his support group on October 20, 2015:


“In 1199 we believe that quality health care is a human right for every person in this country, and it should not be determined by your income, your zip code, or whether or not you are an imprisoned person,” said Estela Vasquez, executive vice president of Local 1199 SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, which is hosting the press conference. “We demand immediate treatment for Mumia Abu-Jamal. We cannot allow the authorities of the state of Pennsylvania to continue to deny him lifesaving medical treatment.”

Mumia Abu-Jamal, an internationally renowned political prisoner who Amnesty International and other human rights organizations say was unfairly convicted in the 1982 killing of a Philadelphia policeman, has been severely ill with symptoms of active hepatitis C for at least the last six months. If left untreated, hep C can lead to diabetes, heart disease, liver failure and even death. New direct-acting, anti-viral medications for hep C exist with a 95 percent cure rate. Endorsed by the American Liver Foundation, these treatment protocols were adopted by the Federal Bureau of Prisons in June, ensuring immediate treatment for all federal prisoners with active hep C symptoms.

Abu-Jamal is not alone. There are an estimated 10,000 PA Department of Corrections (DOC) inmates, many of whom are over 60 years old, who have the hep C virus. A 1997 study estimated that 29 to 43 percent of all people infected with hep C passed through a correctional facility. Called a “silent epidemic,” HCV has a disproportionate impact on impoverished communities and people of color. While African Americans comprise about 13 percent of the U.S. population, they represent 25 percent of all hep C cases. For African Americans ages 45 to 65 years old, hep-C-related chronic liver disease is the leading cause of death.

New York State prisons hold an estimated 10,000 prisoners with HCV. But the difference is that New York prisons have begun to treat prisoners with HCV, including political prisoner Seth Hayes.

In Pennsylvania the state has repeatedly denied lifesaving treatment for Abu-Jamal and the other prisoners. According to Dr. Joseph Harris, an expert in hep C who reviewed Abu-Jamal’s medical records and examined him, “Failure to treat Mr. Abu-Jamal’s hepatitis C will result in serious harm to his health, as his current extra-hepatic symptoms will not be cured, and he faces an increasingly serious risk of suffering from fibrosis and cirrhosis, liver cancer, complications of his diabetes, and eventual death.” Dr. Harris’s statement is part of a 10-page affidavit submitted to a federal Pennsylvania court in August demanding immediate treatment for Abu-Jamal. (A summary of it will be passed out at the press conference, and is available upon request.)

It took extensive international protests beginning in March, when activists held sit-ins at the PA DOC, press conferences in the rotunda of the Harrisburg capitol and at SCI Mahanoy prison, and a daily deluge of phone calls from all over the world to three governmental officials that Abu-Jamal was transferred to a hospital in mid-May for extensive testing, which showed he had liver damage. Only now are the PA DOC and the PA Dept. of Health hammering out a protocol.

“The evidence is overwhelming that the suffering being experienced by Mumia is the result of hepatitis C,” said Robert J. Boyle, one of his lawyers. “The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections can cure him and many others by administering treatment. Their refusal to do so is a violation of the Constitution and basic human rights.”

CRITICAL COURT HEARING FOR MUMIA ABU-JAMAL IN SCRANTON, PA (Getting Mumia the New Hepatitis-C Medication). December 18, 2015

While Mumia is definitely better, which is not to the credit of the Department of Corrections, but rather to the thousands who have struggled for him over the last many months. But he still has hep-C, is in the infirmary, and is subject to getting very sick again as the underlying problem has not been resolved.
There will be a court hearing in Scranton, PA, on Friday, December 18, on whether or not Mumia should get treatment for his hepatitis-C. We want to pack the courtroom to support the demand for Mumia and 10,000 other Pennsylvania prisoners infected with hep-C to get the new drug which has shown a greater than 90% cure rate.
Friday, December 18, at 9:30 am In Scranton

2015_10_09_cartoon_bw-776x1024Cartoon about Mumia from Seth Tobocman, a renowned comic book artist whose work deals with political issues. In 1979, he and Peter Kuper co-founded the magazine World War 3 Illustrated. His work on this project continues to this day. In 1985, he collaborated with Charles Frederick on a poster protesting the bombing of the MOVE house. In 1994, he produced Freedom of Speech in Black and White, a 15-page black-and-white biography of Mumia that was published in World War 3 Illustrated and has since been reprinted in many places and many languages. Since then, Mumia Abu-Jamal has been contributing articles and artwork to World War 3 Illustrated. In 1999, Seth did a second Mumia biography; this one, two pages in color, was published in Revolutionary Worker. Seth Tobocman continues to produce art for radical movements.

Click on the link below for a large readable version of the cartoon:

Angela Davis is calling for action, to flood the Governor with cards. He is the one who could just put his autograph to set Mumia free. During the benefit, these cards will be available. If you want to write a card yourself, then here’s the direction of the governor:
Governor Tom Wolf, 508 Main, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120, USA. email: governor [at] pa [dot] gov tel:(717)7872500

If you want to write to Mumia himself: Mumia Abu-Jamal, #AM 8335 SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Road, Frackville, PA 17932, USA.

Don’t forget our prisoners. POWER FOR FREEDOM!
for more information look at:

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation. From September, the people’s kitchen is also open on thursday.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Revolution with Bare Hands. The Trajectory of a People. The Burkina Faso

burkina_fasoSunday November 8th 2015, All Included film night. Documentary: Revolution with Bare Hands. The Trajectory of a People. The Burkina Faso. Film in French with German subtitles.  2015, 90 minutes, premiere in the Netherlands. Film director Moussa Ouédraogo from Ouagadougou got his visa refused to come to Europe. Co-director Hans-Georg Eberl from Austria will be present for a Q&A. Door opens at 8pm, event starts at 9pm.

Thursday November 12th, benefit for All Included. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

[english below]

De documentaire „Revolution à mains nus. Le trajectoire d’un peuple. Le Burkina Faso“ gaat over de Burkinese volksoproer van 30 en 31 oktober 2014 onder aanvoering van de Balai Citoyen (de volksbezem) van reggae muzikant Smockey en rapper Sams’K Le Jah. Deze mondde uit in de val van het dictatoriaal regime van Blaise Compaoré, president sinds 30 jaar, en in de mislukking van de militaire coup van generaal Diendere september jongsleden.
We zien de vrouwen, mannen en jongeren die betrokken waren in het verzet en die besloten geen wapens maar creatieve geweldloze acties te voeren. Ze spreken ook over hun hoop en verwachtingen voor een toekomstige samenleving. Hun visie worden aangevuld met de percepties van de Burkinese diaspora en kunstenaars die zoeken naar een universele vorm van expressie om emancipatie te bevorderen.

De film zoekt naar de achtergronden van het verzet, waaronder de levensomstandigheden en de herinneringen van strijd in het recente verleden. Jongeren, mannen, vrouwen zonder wapens zijn opgestaan tegen een dictatoriaal en gemilitariseerd regime. Gister werd generaal Diendere die twee weken geleden de macht greep in Burkina Faso opgepakt in de hoofdstad Ouagadougou.

Filmregisseur Moussa Ouédraogo uit Ouagadougou is een visum geweigerd om de premiere van de documentaire te presenteren. Mede-regisseur Hans-Georg Eberl uit Oostenrijk zal op de premiere aanwezig zijn voor Q&A met publiek.

more info on Burkina Faso:
Halte au coup d’état militaire au Burkina Faso!

org: All Included die deel uitmaakt van Afrique-Europe Interact

All-in is afhankelijk van particuliere donaties. Steun het verzet in West-Afrika!
bankrek. 4864527 tnv All Included Amsterdam
IBAN NL94 INGB 0004 8645 27

Burkina-FasoThis is an invitation for the premiere of the documentary “Revolution with Bare Hands” about the resistance of the Burkinian people at the 30th and 31st October 2014 in Burkina Faso which has let to the demise of the dictatorial regime of Blaise Compaoré, who had been in power for almost 30 years and had participated in the assault of president Thomas Sankara.
We hear the voices of the women, men, youth who were involved in the upraising and who have decided not to use weapons but to resist against the dictatorial and militarist regime using creative non-violent actions.
They also talk about their hopes and expectations for a future society. Their views are supplemented with the perceptions of the Burkinian diaspora in Austria and artists who search for a universally understandable forms of expression to foster emancipation.

All Included Amsterdam is a new initiative that fights for freedom of movement and for the right of residence for migrants. In a time when globalization is a fact, migration should be recognized as part of a package deal. It’s All Included. This means: no illegality, no detention for undocumented migrants and no forced evictions.
With the disappearance of national borders, national identity disappears. Everyone becomes global citizen and deserves regardless of origin equal rights and equal opportunities. Therefore also for migrants ‘all included’ rights and obligations. fightsg for an open society through extra-parliamentary action which intervenes in the political climate of assimilation, closeness and fear. Through direct assistance to rejected asylum seekers and other migrants without residence permit, indictments against abuses of current polities are being propagated. We want to contribute to the public debate with alternative visions of migration and globalization based on open borders, solidarity and initiative from the base.

All Included, Plantage Doklaan 12, 1018 CM Amsaterdam

Open Discussion and benefit dinner: Migrant rights in the Mediterranean

20151029_Open_Discussion_benefit_dinner_Migrant_rights_in_the_MediterraneanThursday October 29th 2015, Open Discussion and benefit dinner: Migrant rights in the Mediterranean. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Migrants coming to Europe flee conflict, brutal political regimes, poverty, and fear. Many of them are harmed on the way either by state or non-state actors and thousands die. A number of questions arise: Who is responsible for harms to migrants in the Mediterranean? How do powerful actors evade their responsibility? What is the role of corporations? What is Frontex and what role does it play in the Mediterranean? What can we do?

Let’s try to find the answers together.

Taste Before You Waste will prepare the dinner, which will be served with a kindly donation for Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), treating newly arrived migrants in Greece.

Theodore Baird,(researcher and migrant rights advocate, VU University Amsterdam
Mariana Gkliati, researcher, Leiden University
Pim Fischer, lawyer and advocate for the Wij Zijn Hier group
Yasmine Soraya, Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Union (IMWU)

Commentator: Abulhassan Al-Jaberi, activist and media critic

Moderator: Patrick van Berlo, researcher, Leiden University

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchen, every monday and thursday, 7pm, vegan food for 4€ or donation. All benefits go for social & political struggles. No reservation.

We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.