LAG benefit voku

Monday 4 december 2023, LAG benefit voku, Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

LAG is a hacklab that has been active for over 10 years, situated in the binnenpret. It is a space with many different focuses, that takes pride in not trying to define itself to much. Technology seems to be a pretty recurring subject though. You can find more information on the website: […Lees verder]


VoKu benefit + Documentary Screening “Hotel Mokum” for ZZW Rafelrand Mobilization

Thursday 30 November 2023, VoKu benefit + Documentary Screening for ZZW Rafelrand Mobilization. Food served from 7pm, screening Hotel Mokum (Yannesh Meijman, 2023, 30′) starts at 9pm, no reservation.

“ZZW Rafelrand” is one of the last frayed edges of Amsterdam, mobilizing under “Nightingales & Chickens: Unite! 4 de Laatste Rafelranden van Amsterdam”, in light of its threatened eviction starting in June 2024. The rafelrand has been a colorful patchwork of communities on Zeeburgereiland in the East of Amsterdam for over 40 years. Part of its communities is the ZZW student community of 235-people existing for 20 years. We have communal gardens, a give-away shop, organize skillshares & OnsEiland Leven community events. The DIY character of the ZZW community emerged in close relation to its surrounding frayed edges, among which artist community Fort Knox, the trailer community One Peaceful World, rockabilly club the Cruise In, to name but a few.

In light of the threatened eviction of the whole neighborhood, our mobilization is focused on bringing attention to our case, fighting against the erasure of Amsterdam’s frayed edges and its (young) creative spaces of counterculture and self-organization. Donations will go to sticker & flyer printing for ADEV (in collab with Krektek & Kloki) and for printing upcoming sticker & flyers.

We will cook a vegan dinner, while we introduce you to ZZW Rafelrand! Afterwards, there will be a screening & discussion of Mokum Kraakt’s documentary “Hotel Mokum”.

Hotel Mokum (Yannesh Meijman, 2023, 30′), in Dutch with English subtitles.
Hotel Mokum is a documentary about a collective that squatted the abandoned Hotel Marnix in the heart of Amsterdam on October 16th, 2021. Over six weeks the collective transformed the hotel into a home, a self-proclaimed free space and an oasis in a city smothered by hypergentrification. At the height of its popularity, Hotel Mokum got evicted under the guise of fire safety. The story of Hotel Mokum is rooted in protest: against both the housing and cost of living crises, as well as the criminalization of squatting in 2010 that led to the eviction of over 300 squats in Amsterdam alone. The film combines documentary footage, archival materials, and constructed scenes to create a complex and intimate portrait of a hopeful collective and the city they are working to reclaim.

Find ZZW Rafelrand events on Radar
Join our mailing list: zzw [at] riseup [dot] net

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Voku benefit for Solidarity Collectives

Monday 27 November 2023, Voku benefit for Solidarity Collectives. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.
Solidarity Collectives (former: Operation Solidarity) is an anti-authoritarian volunteer network that unites several individual and organizational grassroots initiatives united to help the Ukrainian resistance movement and people affected by the russian invasion.

Actively supports fighters and citizens of Ukraine in three main areas. On the military front, providing anti-authoritarian activists who have joined military units with necessary equipment, including bulletproof vests, helmets, night vision devices, medical supplies, and more. On the humanitarian front, organizing the delivery of medicines, clothing, food, and other aid to various cities. In the media sector, collaborating with journalists and participate in conferences and debates to explain the importance of supporting the Ukrainian resistance movement for all anti-authoritarian forces worldwide.
So this evening we are waiting for you, show your solidarity now!
We are gonna cook a delicious vegan borscht that will be served at 19:00.

Directly and any time you can support Solidarity Collectives: […Lees verder]

Benefit VoKu for The Freedom Theater in Jenin

Thursday 23 November 2023, Benefit VoKu for The Freedom Theater in Jenin. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

The Freedom Theatre is located in Jenin Palestinian refugees camp. For years the theatre has been working according to the principle of ‘resistance through art’. Its presence and activities are fundamental for the children, women and people of the camp. Their aim to change the narrative and to give human and artistic dignity to the people of Jenin is inspiring activists and artists not only in the occupied Palestinian territories but also around the world. […Lees verder]

Benefit voku for squatters’ legal costs

Monday 20 November 2023, Benefit voku for squatters’ legal costs. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

We are cooking up a feast in order to raise money to cover our legal costs! A building in the Jordaan, owned by a housing corporation, was squatted at the start of September. The squatters are in the process of making an agreement with the owner for use of the building. The money raised from this Voku will go towards the legal costs associated with this and any leftover money will be given to the Amsterdam squatters’ legal fund. […Lees verder]

KO.A.LA. Fund for Fines Benefit Dinner

Thursday 16 November 2023, KO.A.LA. Fund for Fines Benefit Dinner. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Fines, what a pain! KO.A.LA. (COins Against LAw) is a newborn anarchist collective that wants to create a fund for fines for activists, squatters and persons that need to cover expenses but can’t.
On november 16th we’ll cook delicious food at Joe’s Garage! We would like it to be the occasion to announce this project and to share questions and tips, to discuss a little with you. Come by, ask us questions, join us and help us build this fund, so that fines expenses wont be a single’s responsibility, but a collective one! All creatures welcome.
KO.A.LA. [], is a newborn collective in Amsterdam. We feel the necessity to start a fund for fines and legal expenses for activists, squatters and people that are not able to pay for themselves as we share the belief that legal expenses should not be a single’s responsability, but a collective one. We believe in a caring, regenerative culture, based on helping each other. […Lees verder]

Fundraising Dinner by Mokum Tegen Fascisme

Thursday 9 November 2023, Fundraising Dinner by Mokum Tegen Fascisme. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

De verkiezingscampagnes zijn van start en dit betekent dat er gedurende de komende weken veel extreemrechtse propaganda zal worden verspreid, zowel in de media als op straat. Met Mokum Tegen Fascisme willen we het Amsterdamse straatbeeld zo ‘schoon’ mogelijk houden. Dit gaan we doen door middel van een poster- en stickercampagne, waarmee we extreemrechtse propaganda overplakken en tegelijkertijd onze antifascistische boodschap verspreiden.
Toen niet – Nu niet – Nooit meer fascisme

The election campaigns have started and this means that during the coming weeks, a lot of far-right propaganda will be spread via the media and on the streets. With Mokum Against Fascism we want to keep the Amsterdam streetscape as ‘clean’ as possible. We plan to do this through a poster and sticker campaign, with which we will cover far-right propaganda and spread our anti-fascist message at the same time. […Lees verder]

Radical Sunday School for Palestine

Sunday 5 november 2023, Radical Sunday School for Palestine, from 15:00 till 19:00.

It’s time for some good care. Radical Sunday School is aided by some lovely Palestinian folks and other comrades to serve some delicious food (feel free to donate a little), have a some Palestinian live music on the Oud at 5:00pm, and a short talk on education in times of crisis, but we also simply want to offer a space to share how we feel. We hope to create a warm and caring space for anyone who would like to join us for the day and enjoy delicious mujaddara. […Lees verder]