JaKra! #1


Joe’s Garage is nog één van de weinige gekraakte social-politieke centra in Amsterdam, samen met Bajesdorp, nabij het Amstelstation, het ADM in het Westelijk Havengebied (ontruimd op 7 januari 2018) en de Monbeile Eenheid in Amsterdam Noord (verlaten op 1 februari 2019). Al ruim 13 jaar is Joe’s Garage acteif in de Transvaalbuurt, in Amsterdam Oost. In februari 2001 werden de bovenetage van Pretoriusstraat 28 gekraakt. In Juni 2005 was de begane grond, een voormalige tabakszaak, open als een sociaal centrum – Joe’s Garage was geboren! In die tijd waren waren er trouwens meerdere panden in de straat (en aan het tussenliggende Steve Bikoplein) gekraakt. In September 2005 werd Pretoriusstraat 43 gekraakt, aan de overkant van Joe’s. Drie jaar later, in october 2008, word Pretoriusstraat 28 ontruimd. Op precies dezelfde dag heropende Joe’s Garage op de begane grond van Pretoriusstraat 43. de Juridische situatie rondom Pretoriusstraat 43 is no altijd hetzelfde zoals beschreven in het Witboek Kraken uit 2005 [1].

Sinds 2005 biedt Joe’s Garage 6 dagen per week ruimte aan meerdere vrijwilligersinitiatieven, waaronder een weggeefwinkel, Volkseten Vegazulu (voku), een buurtbios en een kraakspreekuur (KSU Oost). Daarnaast maken verschillende groepen gebruik van de ruimte voor bijvoorbeeld vergadering of infoavonden. Om Joe’s Garage letterlijk en figuurlijk open te kunnen houden is iedereen van harte welkom om me te helpen – met het organiseren van een activiteit bijvoorbeeld, maar ook met koken of afwassen. Een belangrijk uitgangspunt is dat iedereen die er binnenstapt sichzelf ook als delnemer beschouwd; dat we allemaal verantwoordelijkheid nemen en bijdragen aan het creëren van een inclusieve, zelfwerkzame omgeving.

Kraken gaat natuurlijk gewoon door! Hieronder een overzicht van recente kraakacties: […Lees verder]

Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent and Kurt Voss)

Sunday June 30th 2019, Movie night: Border Radio by Allison Anders, Dean Lent and Kurt Voss, 1987. In English, 87 Minutes, Doors: 20:00, Film 20:30

“‘You can’t expect other people to create drama for your life—they’re too busy creating it for themselves,’ a punk groupie says at the conclusion of Border Radio. And the four reckless characters at the center of the film certainly manage to create plenty of drama for themselves.” Chris Morris, Where Punk lived

No-budget, no-permits and DIY: Border Radio – the first film of UCLA students Allison Ander (Things behind the Sun) Kurt Voss and Dean Lent – is set in the burgeoning LA punk scene of the 80’s and went on to be an underground hit, playing in US cinemas for months. Its heist-based plot and the multiple betrayals the central foursome inflict upon each other are the stuff of purest noir. But the film diverges from its source in its largely sunlit cinematography and its explosions of punk humor.

The film music, but also a number of characters are played by local punk rockers such as the Flesh Eaters, and

“one can see what punk rock looked like, all the way to the margins of the frame: in the flyers for L.A. bands like the Alley Cats, the Gears, and the Weirdos taped in a club hallway, in the poster for Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein and the calendars of L.A. repertory movie houses tacked on apartment walls, in the thrift-store togs and rock-band T-shirts (street clothes, really) worn by the players. But, more importantly, the shifting tragicomic tone of the film, the energy and attitude of its musician performers, and the uneasy rhythms of its characters’ lives present a real sense of the reality of L.A. punkdom in the day.”

It was filmed from 1983 to 1987 – basically at the same time as Susan Seidelman’s Smithereens (1985) set in the alternative and punk seen in New York.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Benefit for Devrimci Otonomlar, revolutionary autonomes in Turkey

Thursday June 27th 2019, Benefit for Devrimci Otonomlar, revolutionary autonomes in Turkey. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

“We are a organization that wants to build an anarchist line of struggle in the region against the rising fascist reflexes and policies of the current state in Turkey. We support the idea of setting up local autonomous groups that will expand neighbourhood by neighbourhood in the city we are struggling to organise a continuous practice for our goal.
And our starting area is the stronghold of political islam, the Fatih district. Two days before we wrote this text, racist attacks against Armenians start again with the saying this is just the beginning. The bullying and inhumane approach against the immigrants in the neighbourhood is rising by the day and because the society and even the political trend of the opposition parties is leaning towards a point of anti-immigrants, this situation is taking the form of hate and eventually violence.
Be sure comrades that this is just a small part of whats happening.
To embody our policy against the state and to start a determined struggle we want to open a cultural centre in Fatih.
We think that this cultural centre will decrease the tensions in the society and become a place for our immigrant friends to breath by taking continue steps to solve the problems we mentioned.
Together with current political problems, we want to gain anti-authoritarian experience that will feed our political work with activities such as free education, music, theatre, dance workshops and reading groups.
And on this path with the obligation and lack of Revolutionary Solidarity, we want our comrades who are far away but in fact we are shoulder to shoulder with, to walk with us together.”

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The films of Pierre Merejkowsky

Sunday June 23rd 2019, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: An evening with Pierre Merejkowsky and Nina Zivancevic. Doors open at 20.00, Film starts 20.30.

Pierre Merejkowsky is a fimmaker with an anarchistic bent who resides in Paris. He cares nothing for finesse or the elegance of style. Once, in one of his reviews, the French film critic Serge Daney famously blasted a movie about a German concentration camp, because at one point there was an artful camera movement. How can one consider artfulness in dealing with the holocaust? Merejkowsky is a bit the same: what is the point of endlessly harping on aesthetics and style, when we are facing an era when the entire world is falling apart at the seams?

Merejkowsky investigates images with his cinema, yes, but much more than that. He interrogates our passivity. He throws himself, camera in hand, into volatile situations. He pleads, he battles with ghosts, he confronts everyone in the immediate environment. He insists; where does this sluggish lethargy that is so prevalent today come from? He is only interested in cinema as a catalyst for transformation. His films are provocative, and are meant to archaeologically dig beneath the surface of culture and everyday life.

Together with poet Nina Zivancevic, we will introduce and explore Pierre’s chaotic, vibrant, passionate cinema. In between films, discussion with the public will also be encouraged.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to play a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner

Monday June 10th 2019, SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

SRP’s monthly benefit dinner in Joe’s Garage is part of our fundraising campaign for Jalazone, a project to support building a playground for the children in the camp.
Summer 2017 SRP visited Jalazone camp during a our trip to Palestine. We met with the women’s committee of the camp who work to improve the lives of their children living under occupation. They playgroud project fundraising is a direct request from the Palestinian women in Jalazone camp and we are working towards building concrete solidarity with Jalazone camp.
Come and join us for a delicious meal and see what you can do to further this project.
Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina: http://srpnederland.nl/

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Book presentation JaKra! #1 (Squatting Yearbook 2018)

Thursday June 6th 2019, Book presentation JaKra! #1 (Squatting Yearbook 2018), Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. After the food, book presentation, questions/discussion.

This annual bilingual book project aims to create more intercity involvement and solidarity between squatters and housing activists in Holland and beyond.
JaKra! is initiated by KSU Den Haag (The Hague Squatting Info Centre). In this book project we would like to look back on a number of developments and events in the past year, together with squatters and housing activists in different places. By sharing some of our successes and setbacks on an annual basis, we hope to contribute to creating more involvement and solidarity between activists from all over. In the book you’ll also find background articles and helpful info concerning squatting and housing struggles.
For more info: http://jakra.nl/

Aman molli special: workshop and jam session by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi

Sunday June 2nd 2019, Aman molli special, workshop and jam session by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi. Door opens at 16:00. By donations. Bring on your instruments!

Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi will be with us for a special workshop full of singing and music playing! In this workshop we will go on step further by practicing in parallel repertoire of east Mediterranean on vocals as well as melodically and rhythmically. In the end we will try to assemble all together! Don’t miss another unique opportunity!
Alexandros Papadimitrakis teaches Turkish Music (Oud & Lavta) at the World Music department of Codarts university in Rotterdam. Vanessa Kourtesi is singing with the Serenade Ensemble, a group of five talented young musicians from Greece and Turkey. Alexandros and Vanessa have been actively participating in the Aman molli workshops and performed a few times at Joe’s Garage.
Alexandros Papadimitrakis with Michalis at a music Sundays Rodos: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=CazagBfmimk
Vanessa Kourtesi The Circle: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VsE6FcP1lk
Somewhere in Athens: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuyJt185ITE
Aman Molli: https://radar.squat.net/en/aman-molli