Cinema Italia: Bianca (Nanni Moretti, 1984)

Sunday 24 september 2023, Cinema Italia: BIANCA (1984) * Directed by Nanni Moretti * 96 min * In Italian with English subtitles * doors open at 20:00, film starts at 20:30. After the film, please engage in sharing comments, ideas, and inspiration with the host(s) of the evening!

Nanni Moretti, director and main actor in many of his movies, in Bianca explores the genre of crime. But it is a Moretti’s film, so it’s not a real crime film, but a film with his alter ego Michele Apicella — here at its debut — travels from romantic comedy to political, engaged film, in a surrealist humorous way, with a touch of grotesque here and there.

Most of the plot happens inside a school, where portraits of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are juxtaposed to Dino Zoff, the Italian national hero of football, as well as Descartes, Pythagoras, and Kant.

If you have never seen a Nanni Moretti’s movie, Bianca is for you. If you have seen his classics like Caro Diario, you will understand with Bianca when everything started. If you watched Il sol dell’avvenire and you did not understand anything, come and watch Bianca as well.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Esperanto Workshops

Wednesday 20 september 2023, Esperanto Workshop for beginners and intermediates. Doors open at 18:00, beginner’s course starts at 19:00, intermediate’s starts at 20:00.

Wednesday 20 september, program presentation
This evening beginner’s course explains the program of the new academic year!
The Esperanto Workshops start again at Joe’s! Each evening, we have courses at two levels: absolute beginners and intermediate. We learn the Esperanto language along with its culture. Sometimes fluent speakers join in, do not miss the occasion; you will listen to advanced speakers with their wonderful Esperanto life stories.
Absolute beginners and curious persons are always welcome! Next workshops on 4 and 18 october 2023.


Samidoun benefit voku

Monday 18 september 2023, Samidoun benefit voku. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Laatste bericht van Samidoun op hun website (17 augustus 2023) : Palestijnse overwinning in Nederlandse rechtbank: from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!

Op dinsdag 15 augustus heeft het gerechtshof in Nederland bevestigt dat de slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” valt onder de vrijheid van meningsuiting en niet strafbaar is. De uitspraak van de rechtbank betekent een overwinning voor de Palestijnse beweging in het algemeen, en in Nederland specifiek. Uitingen voor Palestijnse bevrijding kunnen niet zomaar bestempeld worden als antisemitisme.

De aanklacht werd in juni 2021 ingediend door een zionistische activist tegen Samidoun Nederland-lid Thomas Hofland. Zijn gebruik van de slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” in een speech die hij gaf tijdens de jaarlijkse Nakba-demonstratie een maand eerder, zou zogenaamd antisemitisch zijn. Het is een valse beschuldiging die met regelmaat door zionistische organisaties, media en politici wordt gebruikt tegen Palestina activisten internationaal.

Zowel de officier van justitie als de advocaat-generaal hadden de aanklacht binnen een jaar ongegrond verklaard. “Feit niet strafbaar,” concludeerden zij. Echter, de behandeling van de zaak duurde in totaal ruim twee jaar, omdat de klager telkens in beroep ging. Met deze laatste uitspraak van het hof is bevestigd dat het rechtvaardig is om op te roepen voor de bevrijding van Palestina van de rivier tot aan de zee.

Willem Jebbink, Hofland’s advocaat, zei het volgende over de uitspraak:

“Het gerechtshof is erg kort van stof geweest. Maar de uitspraak is glashelder: de frase ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free’ is niet antisemitisch. Ook niet haatzaaiend, opruiend of bedreigend. Daarmee heeft het hof de vrijheid van meningsuiting erkend. Dat is juist in het Palestina-Israëldebat van belang. Misschien wel meer dan ooit. Personen die zich tegen de aanhoudende mensenrechtenschendingen door Israël uitspreken worden vaak op lichtzinnige gronden antisemitisch genoemd. Een doorzichtige redeneertruc die slechts de functie heeft om de aandacht van de inhoud van het debat af te leiden, van wat in de bezette gebieden gebeurt.

Het is elementair dat wij in onze samenleving zonder gevaar voor criminalisering scherpe kritiek op het beleid van Israël kunnen hebben. Dat de Palestijnen als vrije en gelijkwaardige burgers in hun thuisland moeten kunnen wonen. In de geografische en historische eenheid tussen – inderdaad – de zee en de Jordaan, vrij van onderdrukking door Israël of enig Arabisch regiem of wie dan ook.”

Als Samidoun Palestijnse Gevangenen Solidariteitsnetwerk zijn we blij met het ongegrond verklaren van de aanklacht tegen ons lid. Het is een overwinning voor alle Palestijnen en Palestina activiste. En et is het resultaat van decennialang actievoeren voor de onvervreemdbare rechten van het Palestijnse volk, om Palestina te bevrijden en ernaar terug te keren.

Tegelijkertijd moeten we doorgaan met het verdedigen van activisten voor Palestina internationaal. In het Verenigd Koninkrijk zitten activisten van Palestine Action gevangen. In Frankrijk loopt nog steeds een zaak om Collectif Palestine Vaincra, een lidorganisatie van Samidoun, te verbieden. In Duitsland roepen zionistische politici en media op om Samidoun te verbieden. En in Nederland werden onlangs twee activisten gearresteerd vanwege hun financiële steun aan Palestijnen in vluchtelingenkampen.

Vrijheid voor alle Palestijnse gevangenen!
Vrijheid voor Palestina van de rivier tot aan de zee!

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Joe’s Garage 18th birthday, 18 years Pretoriusstraat 43

[nederlands] [english] [français]

On September 16th 2023, we celebrate Joe’s 18th birthday on the Steve Bikoplein and at Joe’s Garage.

Joe’s Garage on Pretoriusstraat 43 has been squatted for 18 years. Join us this Saturday, September 16th, for performances, music, coffee and cakes, food and more… Bring your friends & comrades and spread the word around your squats and further! Starting at 2pm/14:00 hrs. Interested in helping out? Send an email! FULL PROGRAMME:

Bas Punkt & Tijdelijke Toon
Jan Modaal
Big Future Raffle with Prizes!
Bleeding Eye Cabaret by Bloody Vag (18+)
DJ Trashy Lords, Van Kulo & Molok, Vudopia, Dj Matters, CnB, Bloody Hool, Bass Punk, Loosen Skroo rec.
and more…….

18 years Pretoriusstraat 43 / Joe’s Garage in the East of Amsterdam.

On September 25, 2005, Pretoriusstraat 43 was squatted by the Amsterdam-Oost squatting group as a protest against long-term vacancy, criminal money laundering practices and real estate speculation.
For 18 years the house has been a place for a living group on the upper floors, and in 2008, after 3 years of residence and the eviction of Pretoriusstraat 28, Joe’s Garage moved to the Pretoriusstraat 43 ground floor.
The Amsterdam-Oost squatting group has now been present in the Pretoriusstraat for more than 20 years. Joe’s Garage is a political / social center, run by a broad volunteer collective. Independent, in solidarity and non-profit. A place where the ‘cold wind from the market’ does not blow, a meeting place for many.
Joe’s is also 18 years old, with more than 1800 (people’s) kitchens (Voku’s), more than 1000 openings of the give-away shop, countless film evenings, music performances, language cafes, the efforts of hundreds of volunteers and of course, every Tuesday evening for 18 years, the housing / squatting assistance hour (KSU Oost) for help & info.

18 years squatted, 18 years precarity!

Now that we are coming of age, it’s time to say: This property, this place will & can never again appear on the speculative real estate market. Pretoriusstraat 43 deserves a stable future after 18 years!
We as residents and the Joe’s Garage collective will do everything we can to claim this future !
We cannot do this without your support & solidarity to achieve this. Don’t leave PS43 to the market, but to our community of solidarity !


Solidarity and greetings,
Residents & Joe’s Garage collective […Lees verder]

Vegan Dinner and DIY Market in solidarity with No Border Kitchen, Lesvos.

Monday 11 september 2023, Vegan Dinner and DIY Market in solidarity with No Border Kitchen, Lesvos. Market stands open at 17:00. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

No Border Kitchen Lesvos is a self-organised group of independent individuals who maintain a solidarity structure on the Greek Island of Lesvos. The main purpose of the collective is to support travellers who are unable to progress with their journey due to European migratory policies. Through a praxis based on mutual aid and solidarity, we take a stand against border policies and the suffering they are causing.

Alongside providing basic needs, we are trying to offer a viable alternative to the way travellers are treated by mainstream NGO’s, governments, and local authorities, which is often characterised by condescension, coupled with a dehumanising and infantilising attitude.

If you want to participate in the DIY Market with your own stuff please send us and email beforehand at ilves76 [at] proton [dot] me . You can add your desired percentage in your crafts to support the No Border Kitchen!

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Air-doll (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2009)

Sunday 10 September 2023, Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: AIR DOLL * (空気人形, Kūki Ningyō) * Directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda * 2009 * 116 minutes * In Japanese with English subtitles * Doors open at 20:00, intro & film start at 20:30.

The premise of this flick is quite simple. A middle-aged man has a life-size sex doll he calls Nozomi at home that he makes love to every night. He doesn’t only have sex with Nozomi, he also dresses her up and has dinner with her. What can I say? People are lonely in this overcrowded modern world we live in, especially in big cities like Tokyo that are ironically packed with people. Seems like a contradiction, but is certainly true.

Then something unusual happens – one day the lifeless doll begins to come to life, as if she is suddenly filled with human feelings and a soul. Once this doll starts breathing and moving, she is as confused as anyone else about who she is. Since her owner is away at work, she goes out for a walk trying to understand the world around her, and the story unfolds from there.

As you approach the film, you must remember this is not an American film, which would take cheap shots with such a story and exploit it. Instead, this flick is weirdly humanist, with a sort of melancholic bent. It is Japanese director Kore-eda’s way of mapping out modern life, an attempt to help us see the world around us differently. Starring Korean actress Bae Doo-na as the titular air doll.

This will be a high-definition screening.

Film night at Joe’s Garage, cozy cinema! Free entrance. You want to screen a movie, let us know: joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net

Voku Benefit for legal support group and squat in Briancon

Thursday 7 september 2023, Voku Benefit for legal support group and squat in Briancon . Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Come eat our delicious vegan food 🙂 The money of the voku will go to the “Groupe Sans Nom”, a collective active in Briancon who organizes collective and individual legal support at the French Italian border to make sure people on the move know their rights. They also help with connecting people crossing the border with solidarity networks across the country and arranging a safe travel. They need money at the moment to continue organizing this support. Another part of the money will go to Le Pado, a squat that opened in Briancon on the 7th of August to host people and that is currently struggling to make the building livable due to the repression of the municipality.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

September 2023 at Joe’s Garage