Benefit for legal fund. Vegan Pizza Take to the square

Monday June 8th 2020, Benefit for legal fund. Vegan Pizza to take to the Steve Bikoplein, the square next door, from 7pm till 9pm. No reservation.
The anti-authoritarian collective Ajo Negro is cooking at Joe’s Garage. The benefit will go to support squatting legal costs in Amsterdam.

Ajo Negro is an anti-authoritarian collective that cooks to support events and projects of social transformation. It is run by volunteers based on a libertarian perspective. Encouraging human and non-human freedom. We are an active kitchen that criticise capitalism and welfarism. We choose vegan as a nourish option and as a political decision. We help each other in a horizontal way, considering that the collective effort is more fruitful that the individual one.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund benefit. Steve Bikoplein Volkseten Vegazulu and basketball game

Thursday June 4th 2020, join us and the Transvaalbuurt on the square, the Steve Bikoplein, to share some food, meet the community and play some basketball. Your donations are welcome to support the Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund. The Steve Bikoplein is big enough not to step on each others. Food is served between 19:00 and 21:00. No reservation for the food. Bad weather won’t stop us providing food. In case of rain, we’ll serve the food to take away from the square or from Joe’s Garage.

Even if squatting became a criminal offense in the Netherlands in October 2010, people have still been squatting empty houses, office buildings, derelict factories, abandoned terrains all around the country. As politicians, mayors come and go, the housing shortage hasn’t been solved but worsen. We’re witnessing a continuous housing crisis, a lack of affordable living space, on which the media has no interest in reporting the roots of the problem, too busy seeking sensation exhibiting a bunch of black hooded squatters. Real estate has been given free hands by politicians, councils don’t even have the will nor the capacity to act against landlords keeping buildings vacant, anti-squat is a flourishing business as ever, perpetuating precarious living conditions, while social housing corporations are more concerned about their property portfolio than social housing itself.
Will the Amsterdam city council take action against owners of these Airbnb apartments which magically appeared to rent on the free market during the covid-19 crisis? It might be only good intentions, once again. Soon, Amsterdam will be packed again with tourists in need of a place to stay.
End of 2019, Halsema announced an intensification of the repression against squatters, too busy she is profiling herself within the political landscape, just like she does when appearing smiling at a demonstration on the Dam square.
Repression against squatters is nothing new. It is visible all around the Netherlands. Mayors are applying a zero tolerance policy as squatters and other housing activists keep up the fight. Support and donate to the Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund, come along and participate.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund Voku

Thursday May 28th 2020, Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund Voku, Vegan Takeaway Voku. Pick up food from 7pm till 8:30pm. See you on the Steve Bikoplein.

Squatter’s Legal Defence Fund Voku

Tonight’s voku (People’s Kitchen) is to raise money for the squatter’s legal defense fund. The fund provides money to people who incur legal costs while squatting buildings in Amsterdam. Typically, this money is used to pay for court cases brought against squatters by owners or the state, but it can also be used to pay fines for people who are charged with squatting or other related charges. These costs can run into the thousands, so every little helps.

Recent Developments in Amsterdam

Over the last few weeks, the city has evicted several squats, despite the precautionary measures introduced by the government to stem the spread of the corona virus (apparently we are not ‘all’ in it together!). What is more, the evictions seem to have happened in spite of the city’s much touted ‘no evictions for emptiness’ policy.

Earlier this month, squatters residing in a building next to Sarphatipark were evicted even though the owner could not demonstrate that they had any concrete plans for the building during the court case. This is something we have seen time and time again over the last couple of years and raises, once again, the question of whether the ‘no evictions for emptiness’ policy is really still in effect. Owned by the van Zijl family, Sarphatipark 87 in de Pijp was squatted on March 8th 2020 and is again left vacant. A poster from an anti-squat company is hanging behind a window.

Another group was evicted from the Eerste Helmersstraat 80 in Oud-Weston on Sunday May 24th after only two days inside a building. When the inhabitants were arrested, the owner Stadgenoot hadn’t file a complain yet. The police, the city took their own initiative to evict a squat and the inhabitants had no a chance to defend themselves in court, and were charged with squatting. These charges will be fought and to do this the individuals involved will need the financial support that the legal defense fund can provide in order to pay for lawyers and court costs.

You can also keep up to date with squatting in Amsterdam on the Joe’s website:

Thank you for supporting the legal defense fund.

Amsterdam’s New Policy: No Eviction for Emptiness…

[nederlands] [français]

As a squatter in Amsterdam, looking back on the past year is painful. 2019 dealt heavy blows to a movement that didn’t seem capable of much more than taking the beating. The city has lost its largest squats and despite numerous squatting actions, hardly any new buildings have survived the end of the year. What’s more, politicians tried to introduce a law at national level to further criminalise squatters while the media reported time and time again how afflicted property owners are being deceived repeatedly by squatters. To top it all off, the mayor concludes the year with a report on a new policy designed to implement a more rigorous approach to squatting.
There’s not much left to say beyond 2019 having been a rather grim year, making it difficult to paint a hopeful picture for squatting in Amsterdam in 2020.

We look back on a year in which we, above all, lost a lot. […Lees verder]

Amsterdam’s New Policy: No Eviction for Emptiness…

[nederlands] [français]

As a squatter in Amsterdam, looking back on the past year is painful. 2019 dealt heavy blows to a movement that didn’t seem capable of much more than taking the beating. The city has lost its largest squats and despite numerous squatting actions, hardly any new buildings have survived the end of the year. What’s more, politicians tried to introduce a law at national level to further criminalise squatters while the media reported time and time again how afflicted property owners are being deceived repeatedly by squatters. To top it all off, the mayor concludes the year with a report on a new policy designed to implement a more rigorous approach to squatting.
There’s not much left to say beyond 2019 having been a rather grim year, making it difficult to paint a hopeful picture for squatting in Amsterdam in 2020.

We look back on a year in which we, above all, lost a lot. […Lees verder]

La nouvelle politique d’Amsterdam : Pas d’expulsion pour du vide…

[english] [nederlands]

En tant que squatteur à Amsterdam, il est douloureux de faire le bilan de l’année écoulée. L’année 2019 a porté un coup dur à un mouvement qui ne semblait pas capable de faire mieux que de prendre la raclée. La ville a perdu ses plus grands squats et malgré de nombreuses ouvertures, presque aucun nouveau squat n’a survécu à la fin de l’année. De plus, les politicienn-e-s ont essayé d’introduire une loi au niveau national pour criminaliser davantage les squatters, tandis que les médias ont rapporté à maintes reprises comment les propriétaires affligés sont trompés à répétition par les squatters. Pour couronner le tout, le maire conclut l’année avec un rapport sur une nouvelle politique visant à mettre en place une approche plus rigide sur les squats.
Il ne reste pas grand-chose à dire au-delà de 2019, année plutôt sombre, ce qui rend difficile de brosser un tableau optimiste des squats à Amsterdam en 2020.

Nous nous souvenons d’une année au cours de laquelle nous avons beaucoup perdu. […Lees verder]

JaKra! #1


Joe’s Garage is nog één van de weinige gekraakte social-politieke centra in Amsterdam, samen met Bajesdorp, nabij het Amstelstation, het ADM in het Westelijk Havengebied (ontruimd op 7 januari 2018) en de Monbeile Eenheid in Amsterdam Noord (verlaten op 1 februari 2019). Al ruim 13 jaar is Joe’s Garage acteif in de Transvaalbuurt, in Amsterdam Oost. In februari 2001 werden de bovenetage van Pretoriusstraat 28 gekraakt. In Juni 2005 was de begane grond, een voormalige tabakszaak, open als een sociaal centrum – Joe’s Garage was geboren! In die tijd waren waren er trouwens meerdere panden in de straat (en aan het tussenliggende Steve Bikoplein) gekraakt. In September 2005 werd Pretoriusstraat 43 gekraakt, aan de overkant van Joe’s. Drie jaar later, in october 2008, word Pretoriusstraat 28 ontruimd. Op precies dezelfde dag heropende Joe’s Garage op de begane grond van Pretoriusstraat 43. de Juridische situatie rondom Pretoriusstraat 43 is no altijd hetzelfde zoals beschreven in het Witboek Kraken uit 2005 [1].

Sinds 2005 biedt Joe’s Garage 6 dagen per week ruimte aan meerdere vrijwilligersinitiatieven, waaronder een weggeefwinkel, Volkseten Vegazulu (voku), een buurtbios en een kraakspreekuur (KSU Oost). Daarnaast maken verschillende groepen gebruik van de ruimte voor bijvoorbeeld vergadering of infoavonden. Om Joe’s Garage letterlijk en figuurlijk open te kunnen houden is iedereen van harte welkom om me te helpen – met het organiseren van een activiteit bijvoorbeeld, maar ook met koken of afwassen. Een belangrijk uitgangspunt is dat iedereen die er binnenstapt sichzelf ook als delnemer beschouwd; dat we allemaal verantwoordelijkheid nemen en bijdragen aan het creëren van een inclusieve, zelfwerkzame omgeving.

Kraken gaat natuurlijk gewoon door! Hieronder een overzicht van recente kraakacties: […Lees verder]