Stop EU complicity in migrant deaths at external borders – Benefit All Included

Thursday December 12th 2019, Stop EU complicity in migrant deaths at external borders – Benefit All Included, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

All Included is an Amsterdam based migrant support organisation for freedom of movement and right to stay for all. We believe in an open society on the basis of exchange and solidarity. We believe in migrant rights and opportunities.
We will not allow the European Union, its member states, Frontex and other institutions to continue to be complicit in the deaths of thousands of people with impunity – both in the Mediterranean and on Europe’s external borders. This also applies to all politicians who consciously or unconciously promote or accept this murderous policy. Migrants are forced to choose most deadly routes through desert and Mediterranian while legal routes stay locked.

That is why we will take the initiative – together with others – to set up a European civil society monitoring body to safeguard human rights. All the more so as the bordering countries are more and more imposed to safeguard European interests through the Emergency Trust Fund. And as the EU recently decided to expand Frontex border patrol force up to 10,000 troops.

We want to create a European documentation centre which will link all the organisations and individuals working in the Mediterranean and at the external borders collecting and analysing their knowledge and experiences. Mutual exchange and networking could be stimulated by all actors with specific background: academic, migrant, NGO’s, human right activist. Many independant researches have recently brought more evidence and insight on a structural EU-abuse of human rights at the borders. By enlarging the visibility of migrant reality, support initiatives and their criminalisation by EU and memeber states we hope to motivate civil actions.

A central task will be to provide the European media with the information obtained.

In a second step, the findings gained in the course of the investigations should lead to those responsible being called to account before a tribunal of civil society to be set up specifically for this purpose.
By building up such a well equipped structure a group of ‘experts’ from diverse background and practice will analyse EU-legislation and testimonies of human right abuse by migrants and support-NGO’s. This tribunal will bring together all actors and come to a verdict in Brussels in 2021.

All Included is een initiatief dat strijdt voor vrijheid van mobiliteit en recht op verblijf voor migranten. In een tijd waarin globalisering een feit is moet migratie erkend worden als een deel van een package deal. All included dus. Dit betekent: geen illegaliteit, geen vreemdelingendetentie en geen gedwongen uitzettingen.
Met het verdwijnen van de nationale grenzen verdwijnt de nationale identiteit. Iedereen wordt wereldburger en ongeacht afkomst verdient eenieder gelijke rechten en gelijke kansen. Daarom ook voor migranten gelijkwaardige ‘all included’ rechten en plichten.
All Included strijdt voor een open samenleving middels buitenparlementaire acties die ingrijpen in het politiek klimaat van assimilatie, geslotenheid en angst. Middels directe hulp aan uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers en andere mensen zonder verblijfsvergunning worden aanklachten tegen de wantoestanden van de huidige politiek uitgedragen. Wij willen een bijdrage leveren aan het publieke debat met alternatieve visies op migratie en globalisering die uitgaat van open grenzen, solidariteit en eigen initiatief.
All Included is actief in Afrique-Europe Interact (AEI), een netwerk van Afrikaanse en Europese zelf-organisaties. AEI werkt enerzijds aan gezamenlijke projecten en acties en anderzijds aan onderlinge ondersteuning.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit & info in support of the undocumented refugees of We Are Here

Thursday October 24th 2019, Benefit & info in support of the undocumented refugees of We Are Here. Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

In May of this year we proved by visiting the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) that:

– there was no shelter at all for ‘new’ (who were not already in a shelter) undocumented refugees in Amsterdam;
– it was not possible at all to registrate on a waitinglist for the 24Hours shelter;
– even very sick people only could come on a waitinglist.
All this was confirmed in a mail of the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) to us.

We tried to get proof from the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) that we had been there to registrate. We offered the Loket a declaration to sign that we had been there.
This was very important for us. Because:
The refugees, without income, would not have to go in vain to the Loket;
Owners of squatted places, the OM (OpenBaar Ministerie), Prosecution Counsel, judges, mayors, Media kept saying there WAS a shelter. This was very harmful for us in courtcases, evictions, media and public opinion.
The Loket refused to give that declaration.
There was nowhere to go for us, no place to be, except the street or a squatted place. On the street and in parks we were hunted by the police, sleeping in tents became prohibited and the same with selling a magazine for some pocket money.

In our need we squatted less appropriate places…

We asked the Family Loket (Vreemdelingenloket) and also the City Board to be clear about the fact that there was no shelter, including no possibility to registrate for the 24Hours shelter.
We started our correspondence with the municipality, directing the Mayor and alderman Groot Wassink. Mrs Anne Klerks answered our mail in name of alderman Groot Wassink. (please see below)
At the end of our correspondence with Mrs Klerks the City Board still refuses an emergency shelter and also refuses to care for the refugees on the street and in squatted places.
But it seems there is now a waiting list for the 24Hours shelter.
The 24Hours shelter should have started the 1th of July but it did not. Than the guidance should have started the 1th of July. But it did not. The only thing that happened seems to be that one tries to get rid of the Dublinclaimers in spite of promesses to this group.
The Dublin Regulation is a seriously criticised system by an organisation as UNHCR because it is unfair for the countries where refugees first arrive and against the human rights of free choice for the refugees. By accepting the Dublin Regulation the 24Hours shelter starts with a defeat against human rights before it has even been started.

We ask more than ever for an Emergency Shelter for undocumented refugees, for our immediate need, but also to avoid that we have to be such a long time in the streets and in squatted places that the 24Hours shelter will be a place for sic people only.

Dringende Financiële noodhulp voor vluchtelingen die geen kant op kunnen en niets krijgen van staat of stad (September 22, 2019)

Beste mensen,

Hoe kan dat: aan vluchtelingen die niet terug kunnen geen verblijfsvergunning geven, wel een verbod op werk, geen inkomen, geen onderdak, geen kleding, geen voedsel, geen onderwijs?
Het kan blijkbaar: zogenaamde ongedocumenteerde vluchtelingen zijn om te overleven volledig afhankelijk van particulier initiatief.
Ze waren met 65, vluchtelingen uit Afrikaanse landen, die april van dit jaar in Uilenstede 475, een 5 jaar lang leegstaand gebouw in het gebied Uilenstede/Kronenburg in Amstelveen, waren getrokken. Het gebied gaat volledig op de schop, het visieplan was kort daarvoor door de gemeenteraad aangenomen, het zal jaren vergen dit te realiseren en in de tussentijd is er vanalles mogelijk, ook voor ongedocumenteerde vluchtelingen. Dat hoopten ze, zeker toen de eigenaars ze aanboden tot 31 juli te blijven en te willen nadenken over een langere periode. Maar ze werden bedrogen, zowel door de eigenaars als door de staat, en de staat maakte het hun zelfs onmogelijk om tegen de rechterlijke uitspraak in hoger beroep te gaan. […Lees verder]

Benefit Association Togolaise des Expulsés

Monday 26 August 2019, Benefit dinner for the Association Togolaise des Expulsés, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

On the situation of deportees, expelled persons and “candidates for migration” according to the example of Sokodé/Togo. The Association Togolaise des Expulsés (ATE) was founded in 2008 in Sokodé, the second largest city in Togo, by people who had been expelled to Togo from various countries – including Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The ATE’s commitment is manifested in the form of practical support and mutual assistance for people who find themselves in precarious living conditions after their expulsion and also in raising society’s awareness of issues related to migration and the rights of refugees and migrants.

In recent years, the ATE, founded as a self-organization of expellees, has increasingly focused on the situation of young people who are currently fleeing Togo or migrating. The ETA helps to give a realistic picture of the multiple dangers on migration routes to those who want or need to leave.
Like many African civil society movements, the ATE also speaks out against human rights violations and deadly crimes on migration routes – and against a border regime imposed by European states that allows people to die in the desert and sea and pays money to Libyan militias and some African governments to prevent African people from traveling to Europe at all costs.

ATE is also active in the Alarme Phone Sahara project – a practical initiative of African and European civil society organisations against dangerous and deadly conditions on flight and migration routes through the Sahel and Sahara countries.

More information on the ATE and TOGO: (All Included & ATE are both members of Afrique-Europe Interact).
All Included, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 1018 CM Amsterdam

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, mail us and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Mobilization No Border Camp 2019

Monday July 29th 2019, Mobilization No Border Camp 2019 during the Volkseten Vegazulu. 7pm, no reservation.

Last news and updates about the upcoming No Border Camp 2019 [] which takes place from 1st till 4th august 2019 in Wassenaar at Huize Ívicke. The address is Rust en Vreugdlaan 2, 2243AS Wassenaar. The call out in various languages is available through this page. Talks and workshops are now publicly announced.

Restricting migration is a priority for the Dutch government and the EU. The walls of Fortress Europe are rising taller, rescue missions by aid organisations are counteracted, and refugees are locked up and deported. Thousands of people die in the Mediterranean Sea or in the desert, or they are stuck in horrible conditions. Politicians instigate hate against refuguees, while  weapons-companies are in the mean time making big money on militarising borders. Rich Western countries keep fueling the reasons why people flee through unequal trade, weapon exports, causing climate change, and military interventions.

Reason enough to take action. Come to the No Border Camp in the beginning of August, for workshops, meeting people and actions on a extraparliamentary and anti-authoritarian basis. To build bridges to other intersections of struggle, like anti-racism, decolonisation, queer- and trans struggle, climate action, anti-militarisation, and the struggle of migrants themselves for their rights.

The No Border Camp 2019 in the Netherlands will take place from August 1-4. The location will be announced just before the start of the camp due to safety reasons. It will take place in the provice of Zuid-Holland in the Netherlands. Keep an eye on the website or send an email to be updated about the location! If you want to help with the organisation of the camp or just one or two small tasks, please also send us an email! If you want to help us out financially, you can make a donation to the bankaccount that’s on the poster. Everything (both financially and organisation-wise) is  very much appreciated.

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit for anti-ICE activists in Arizona

Thursday May 16th 2019, Benefit for anti-ICE activists in Arizona, Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm.

Benefit for three students at the University of Arizona in Tucson, who face criminal charges and potential imprisonment for confronting ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents on campus. Come for delicious vegan food, with fresh veggies and lots of protein!

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Steun Faso Kele, ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée!

Monday April 15th 2019, Steun Faso Kele, ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée! Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm, no reservation. Na benefiet dinner is er om 21u een concert van Cinderwell.

In 2010 is een kunstenaarscollectief genaamd Faso Kele – kinderen van één aarde – opgericht in Bamako/Mali. In hart en ziel werken zij aan een wereld zonder grenzen: sociaal, cultureel, religieus en transnationaal. Middels kunstonderzoek werken ze aan thema’s als sociale gerechtigheid, migratie, vrij verkeer, panafricanisme en bescherming van het milieu en grondstoffen. Voor Faso Kele zijn kunst en nijverheid actieve middelen om een diverse en harmonieuze wereld op te eisen. Kunstrichtingen zijn muziek, theater, vertellingen en ecologische nijverheid.

In 2016 stichtte Falo Kele een ecologisch dorp in de Kindia-regio van Guinee, West-Afrika. Op een terrein van 4 hectare (6 voetbalvelden groot) met 4 hutten en 15 bewoners wordt de grond biologisch verbouwd en vindt er herbebossing plaats. De Faso Kele bewoners zijn afkomstig uit Mali, Guinee, Ivoorkust, Gabon, Duitsland en Burkina Faso. Het dorp heeft naast een autonoom bestaan als doel de bestrijding van de plattelands exodus door vertrouwen te kweken bij jeugd en vrouwen aldaar. Volgende fase is de bouw van een groot gemeenschapshuis en een atelier cq opleidingsruimte.

Maar allereerst is het plan: de bouw van een toiletruimte bestaande uit 2 wc’s en 2 douches voor bewoners en deelnemers van de workshops. De vorige wc was door regens weggespoeld. De nieuwe ruimte is van baksteen en heeft een dak die regenwater opvangt voor de wc’s. Vanavond een benefiet voor Faso Kele in Joe’s Garage.

Meer uitleg over dit project en de bouwplannen vind je in (franstalige) bijlage. De kosten van de wc-ruimte zijn begroot op 19.600.000 GNF (~1.866 Euro).
Je kan ook vanuit je luie stoel storten op bankrekening NL94 INGB 0004 8645 27 van All Included ovv Faso Kele.

Faso Kele en All Included zijn beide actief in Afrique-Europe Interact (AEI), een netwerk van Afrikaanse en Europese zelf-organisaties. AEI werkt enerzijds aan gezamenlijke projecten en acties en anderzijds aan onderlinge ondersteuning.
Zo ontvangen wij op maandag 8 april een lid van de Association Togolaises des Expulsés uit Sokodé/Togo (ATE = Vereniging Uitgezette Togolezen) in Amsterdam.
Deze avond in Plantage Dok over activisme in Afrika en wederzijds ondersteuning zal in frans/engels gevoerd worden. Iedereen welkom.

Meer info over Faso Kele en haar activiteiten vind je hier:
Meer info over Afrique-Europe Interact:
All Included, Plantage Doklaan 8-12, 1018 CM Amsterdam

Joe’s Garage is always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. Enjoying it is a must. If you want to know which days are still available in the schedule, send an email to joe [at] lists [dot] squat [dot] net and book yourself the night. You can, of course, also participate by rolling up your sleeves and doing the dishes.

Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants”

Monday 5 November 2018, Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants” by All Included Volkseten Vegazulu, 7pm. From 9pm, live music on the stage with The Flamenco Thief.

CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DES MIGRANTS AU MAROC “la parole aux Migrants” 1-2 dec. 2018 in Rabat

While the European Union is putting pressure on North and sub-Saharan Africa to close their borders, we see no genuine initiatives working on the reasons why migrants are leaving their countries. From 5-7 dec. 2018 the World Forum on Migration and Development takes place in Marrakesh.
Five years ago Morocco started developing a national migration policy including an asylum procedure. In the last 50 years Morocco changed first from a migration country to a transit country and now a country of destination. What is the impact of this policy on the lives of the migrants?
The Association of Refugees and Migrant Communities in Morocco (ARCOM) and the Platform of Subsaharian Associations and Communities in Morocco (PASCOMS) organize a big meeting inviting Moroccan NGO’s in a migrant neighborhood in Rabat while giving the voice to the migrants.

For freedom of movement and fair development. […Lees verder]

Movie night: Revenir (David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018)

Thursday July 5, 2018, movie night: Revenir (To Return), a documentary film by David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, 2018, 83 minutes, English subtitles.  Doors open at 19pm with food. Screening and discussion from 20:30. On that screening, David Fedele will be also on-line after the screening to discuss the film with Kumut and the audience. This event one of the four screenings with Kumut Imesh in different locations in Amsterdam from 5 till 8 july.

REVENIR – synopsis (EN): For years, the stories of West African migrants and refugees have been told through the lenses of foreign journalists. Now there is a story from the inside. Part road-trip, part memoir, part journalistic investigation, Revenir follows Kumut Imesh, a refugee from the Ivory Coast now living in France, as he returns to the African continent and attempts to retrace the same journey that he himself took when forced to flee civil war in his country … But this time with a camera in his hand. Traveling alone, Kumut will be documenting his own journey; both as the main protagonist in front of the camera, as well as the person behind it, revealing the human struggle for freedom and dignity on one of the most dangerous migratory routes in the world. A controversial film experiment, a courageous journey and a unique collaboration between filmmaker and refugee; which is not without consequences. […Lees verder]