Benefit VoKu for Vrij Parkeren Leiden, acoustic set from Acid Reflux

Monday 16 May 2022, Benefit Voku: Vrij Parkeren Leiden. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation. From 9pm, music on the stage, acoustic set with Acid Reflux (Leiden).

Vrij Parkeren Leiden on the Van der Werfstraat 39 in Leiden has been squatted since February 2022. This new squat was made public during the ‘Woonrevolutie’ housing demonstration on 13 February 2022 in Leiden. Actually, it’s not the first time this house would have been squatted. Maybe the third time over many years? Unfortunately, there is almost but nothing to read on their website, not even a statement from the February squat action.
Recently, the VPL crew found again their way to Joe’s Garage and finally gave some news after such a long silence. The squat is still there and the owner would be threatening to start a court case. Two benefit events have been announced. The first one at De Ontsporing on May 4th, the second one at Joe’s Garage as announced here, “Currently we are working on renovating the building and we are organizing smaller events for now”.
All your donations during these benefits events will go to legal proceedings and maintenance of the squat. A good opportunity to get some fresh news from the VPL crew and get to hear what’s happening in Leiden.
There is a bit more to read about the Woonrevolutie demo and Leiden on this website

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit Voku: Calais Squats fundraiser

Monday 11 April 2022, Benefit Voku: Calais Squats fundraiser. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Earlier this year, activist groups from several countries planned a squatting action in Calais, France. The action was intended to create safe, autonomous housing for people on the move who suffer regular and extreme state violence and repression. Two buildings were squatted under intense police scrutiny. One squat, a tower block of flats, was evicted, with involvement from high-level governmental officials such as Gérald Darmanin. The eviction was carried out by RAID, the tactical police often responsible for anti-terrorist actions, who arrived on a helicopter.

Dozens of people on the move currently live autonomously in the other squat, the ‘ghost house’ mansion on Rue Frédéric Sauvage. This squat has survived continuing attempts by the state to proceed to an eviction. The money raised from this people’s kitchen will go towards the maintenance of this squat and future squatting actions by the activist housing group in Calais.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit voku: For Stefan Lachen. Against Police Brutality

Monday 4 April 2022, Benefit voku: For Stefan Lachen’s family. Stefan Lachen died in police custody in Madrid on the 15th April 2018. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Stefan Lache was 28 years old with a partner and two kids. One night, he was out partying with a couple of friends and was randomly stopped by police, they arrested him for not having identification on him (he had left it in the car in another neighbourhood). The next morning he was found dead in his cell at the Carabanchel police station in Madrid. There is no footage of what happened inside the cell but you can see photos of how one of the agents who enters with him takes out his baton and another of them puts on his gloves.
The autopsy said he died of natural causes, yet he had no previous medical issues before his arrest. His family appealed the decision with no different result. The cost of the lawyer and the independent autopsy were expensive, which led to Liliana (his parthner) to morgage the family house, she and their kids were evicted from the property.
The benefit from this voku is to support Stefan Lache’s family and their ongoing costs.

“¿Quién ha matado a Stefan Lache?”: medio centenar de personas exigen que se reabra la investigación sobre su muerte bajo custodia
Tres años de lucha para que se investigue la muerte de Stefan Lache en una comisaría de Carabanchel

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine, Operation Solidarity fundraiser

Monday 28 March 2022, Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine, Operation Solidarity fundraiser. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

Various social spaces in Amsterdam are expressing solidarity with people affected by the war in Ukraine by organising benefit nights. With the Russian military invasion continuing, more and more people are facing difficult conditions, either on the move or staying amid the war. With each new day of attacks, the need for support is increasing. All donations from these events will go to Operation Solidarity, a Ukraine based anarchist initiative formed right after the attacks in February 2022.
At the moment Operation Solidarity is busy with organising and building structures of direct support for people who’ve been affected by the war as well as with arranging supplies for anti-authoritarian defense forces. The funding that the project is receiving goes to grassroots initiatives that are arranging basic supplies in places where there are shortages of food and medicine, organising transportation to and from the borders and finding temporary accommodation for people who are fleeing. Operation Solidarity doesn’t differentiate providing aid between European and non-European people.
This war, just like any, is a product of borders and authoritarian societies. We refuse to accept the ideals of nation states and stand in solidarity with the people who are refusing to bend under dictatorship.
All profits from the events will support the horizontal volunteer project Operation Solidarity, an anarchist collective that is currently establishing mutual aid networks with Ukraine.
Operation Solidarity

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine

Monday 7 March and Monday 28 March 2022, Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 7pm, no reservation.

All benefits will go to ABC Dresden to be then distributed to groups on location. Vegan food.
ABC Dresden published this callout on 24 February: Support the Anarchist Community in Ukraine during the war. At 5 AM on Thursday, February 24th, 2022, Putin started the invasion into Ukraine. Explosions have been reported throughout the largest cities in the country. This clearly shows that this is not just about the eastern provinces of Lugansk and Donezk.
Now it is time for us to support our friends and comrades. People have begun to organize in order to support people directly.
You can help people bring their relatives and friends into safety, support people who need to leave the country and find a new home, to organize resistance in city neighbourhoods and to acquire general as well as medical care in order to survive. Furthermore there are many people from other countries of the region such as Belarus or Russia, who have sought shelter in the Ukraine for the last few years. With the Russian invasion they are again no longer safe within Ukraine, as it was the Russian government from which they fled in the first place. Please donate to support our friends in Ukraine or here to the given account with reference to UKRAINE.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

Benefit for Het Kraaienest, new squatted social center in Groningen

Monday 21 February 2022, Benefit for Het Kraaienest, new squatted social center in Groningen. Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 6pm, no reservation.

Het Kraaienest is the new squatted social center in Groningen. The former café restaurant Het Heerenhuis on Spilsluizen was squatted around the new year, after almost 2 years of emptiness. Closed down during the first lock down, the restaurant never reopened. The owner hasn’t been granted permits to build housing. He already took the squatters to court and lost the case. Het Kraaienest blijft, yeah!
The doughy real estate investor behind Het Heerenhuis is Joshua Camera, chosen Slumlord of the Year 2018. He would have bought the building in May 2020, handing it over to straw man business partner Jaqcues van den Berg. Joshua Camera has already built up himself a disastrous reputation in Groningen.
During this benefit event, we’ll be talking about the Kraaienest, Zuiderkuipen, Akerkstraat and other squatted spaces around the city, with a short film and some pictures. What’s up with Rollend Goed, Het Wieland, Betonbos? The council has recently provided a temporary terrain to one group. Not only Groningen and Amsterdam have provided such terrains to squatters, Utrecht would be also tempted by the same move.
And by the way, Kraakspreekuur Groningen is back on track. Is this a sign of the times?

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.

CANCELLED: LAG benefit voku

CANCELLED:Monday 14 February 2022, LAG benefit voku, Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 6pm, no reservation.

LAG is a hacklab project coming out of the SLUG (Squatting Linux User Group) mesh.
Our main focus is the relationship between politics and technology, both at a practical and theoretical level.
At LAG we are interested in ]hacking( and at the same time in questioning what hacking is. We started this place because we wanted a place to share similar interests with other people so feel free to pass by for: installing linux, discussing technical or theoretical ideas, fix your laptop, learn to weave, build a bike, find parts, learn how to encrypt data, make experiments, deconstruct apparatuses, drink coffee, read a book, write a paper, scan a book, look at stuff through a microscope, fix your clothes, share files, take things apart, present something, potter around, add things to this list and share knowledge in any other way you want.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.


Voku benefit for the struggle against the french-italian border + TUSOL (acoustic punk from Romania)

Monday 22nd november 2021, Voku benefit for the struggle against the french-italian border, Volkseten Vegazulu. Food served from 6pm, no reservation. After the food, TUSOL (acoustic punk from Romania) on the stage.

At the Italian-French border, three self-managed shelters were evicted in seven months. Places where comrades and migrants struggle together against an infamous border.
The border police want to destroy every example of self-management and collective organization. They want to hide and control who they define as “illegal”, they do not tolerate the existence of free spaces in which no one is a guest and everyone can choose how to approach their journey. The repression grows and increases the control on this border which has already killed and which continues to put people’s lives at risk. Destroying these spaces of solidarity, cops and gendarmes and the states that send them, defend the border and make it deadly.
Let’s help the evicted from the shelters to continue the struggle against the border.

Volkseten Vegazulu is a people’s kitchens existing since the very beginning of Joe’s Garage, June 2005. Your donations are welcome. Food is vegan, no reservation. All benefits go to social & political struggles. Joe’s Garage is a space run by volunteers. Without a collective effort, without your active participation, we’re remaining closed. Get in touch in you feel like giving a hand. We’re always looking for cooks. Any help is welcome in the kitchen. Experience not required. If you want to know which days are still available, mail us.