- PS28: brief en inspraak deelraad
- The Myth of the Free Market – An Anarchist approach to modern Economics
- Benefiet voor Paraguay
- weggeefwinkel tegen verspilling vervreemding en uitbuiting
- bouwvergunning PS28 verleend!
- ASCII News Special on local and international political actions and squatting
- Benefiet maaltijd voor de steungroep voor vrouwen zonder verblijfsvergunning
- Documentair filmavond “The root of all evil?”
- Documentary: The Century of the Self (2002 – Parts 1 & 2)
- Documentary: The Century of the Self (2002 – Parts 3 & 4)
- presents G8 2007 – Weekly Film Screening
- Bil’in my love (Shai Carmeli Pollak, Israel/Palestine, 2006, 85 min, eng subs) – Weekly Film Screening
- Info-Night: ‘Antimilitarist and Conscientious Objectors’ Movement in Turkey
- Benefiet voor Oaxaca – Volkskeuken Vega Zulu
- Documentary: Enron, The Smartest Guys in the Room
- Joe word bedreigd door de zwartgeldwolven!
- Buurtmanifestatie 3 juni 2007: solidariteit en vrijheid ipv repressie en uitverkoop
- verslag protesten woonrechten oost
- Volkskeuken Vega Zulu & 3 bandjes!
- Leuk feestje geweest op 3 juni!
- PS28 gedagvaard!
- kortgeding PS28 ingetrokken
- Benefiet Steungroep vrouwen zonder verblijfsvergunning
- De draakbeweging bezoekt eigenaar PS28
- Filmavond, Ak Kraak Berlin goes Amsterdam
- DFM Benefit music lounge
- Vegan Sushi Making – Squatters Breakfast Reloaded
- Inspraak Kraakgroep PS28
- Documentary ‘Table, Bed, Chair’ – Weekly Film Screening
- Blind Beast – Weekly Film Screening
- Turkse film avond: Turist Ömer Uzay Yolunda (1973 – Hulki Saner)
- Volkskeuken Vega Zulu en Live Muziek
- Turkse film avond: G.O.R.A.(2004 – Ömer Faruk Sorak)
- Volkskeuken Vega Zulu en Live Muziek
- Volkskeuken Vega Zulu en Live Muziek
- Turkse film avond: Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam (1982 – Çetin Inanç)
- BREAK A LEG Benefit, Volkskeuken Vega Zulu & Live Muziek
- Turkse film avond: Lola and Bilidikid (1999 – Atif Yilmaz)
- Turkse film avond: Kebab Connection (2005 – Anno Saul)
- Foto van Joe’s in Volkskrant
- Joes gaat naar het Krachtwijken gebeuren
- Joe en Blijvertje in de raadzaal
- Krachtwijken voor de Rijken?
- Un Amour à Taire (A Love to Hide) – Weekly Film Screening:
- Vreemdelingdetentie en NNers
- Bye Bye Belgium
- Aimee and Jaguar – Weekly Film Screening
- Infoavond vreemdelingendetentie en NNers
- Mercano, el marciano
- (alweer) gedagvaard
- Gojitmal (“Lies”) – Weekly Film Screening
- Battlestar Galactica Night
- Futurama: Bender’s Big Score (2007)
- PS28, kerstmutskabouters en het kort geding
- Voorverzamelen Vastgoedmafia-Demonstratie
- Verslag rechtzaak PS28
- Urchin (2007)
- Steal this film 2
- Solidair!
- Punishment Park (1971)
- Joe’s Garage Cooking Showcase 10 cooks 10 dishes
- PS28 – al zeven jaar bevlogen buurtstrijd! Special Voku Vega Zulu
- De vele rechtzaken van de PS28
- welcome to joe’s garage
- Tropa de Elite (2007)
- CANCELLED. Vandaag geen film.
- Persepolis (2007)
- Salvador (Puig Antich) (2006)
- Rechter schorst omstreden bouwvergunning
- this is Spinal Tap
- Sacco and Vanzetti (2006)
- Neverland: The Rise and Fall of the Symbionese Liberation Army (2004)
- Koninginnedag: geen film, movie cancelled
- Info-Benefiet Gentech Activisten in Portugal
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks?
- Ducktators (1997)
- The Story of the Tower
- Bandit Queen (1994)
- Free Jimmy (2006)
- Ariel (1988)
- Crabgrass demonstration
- Fritz the Cat (1972)
- Aannemer PS28 gekraakt!
- War Made Easy (2007)
- Radiant City (2006)
- “English week” – info evening on squatting in London
- Living Utopia (1997), Vivir la Utopia
- Ontruimingsvonnis PS28/Joes Garage
- The Beat of Frances Street (1990) + TrainSquatting (2003)
- Lonely Collective Day Cafe every Wednesday!
- Rauchhaus docu’s (Berlijn, 1971-)
- PS28 uitgeknuppeld? Deurwaarder voor ontbijt!
- 2008-09-15 Verzetsontbijt met Reloefeningen
- Ontruiming / eviction
- Thank You for Smoking (2005)
- Rote Sonne (1970)
- It’s a Free World… – Ken Loach 2007
- Buurtbrief
- Battle in Seattle – Stuart Townsend (2007)
- Joe’s dead. – Long live Joe’s!
- Bouw-Voku: Build and eat
- Joe’s open
- joes weggeefwinkel weer open
- Bezetters ontruiming PS28 vrijgesproken
- Het stadsdeel valt ons weer eens lastig: protest dinsdag 14 april 2009!
- 1 mei: Manifestatie Dappermarkt & Debat in Joes
- 1 mei debat: Revolt against Oppression ? Revolt against Alienation?
- Benefit voku for Anarchists Against the Wall
- Resistance Against The Occupation Of Palestine
- Joe’s is weer open: grand opening op donderdag 24 september 2009
- Infobenefit for Agriculture Actions during COP15
- Joe’s Lovin n Raging Filmic Wednesdays presents:
- Apocalyptic December film night: The City of Lost Children (1995)
- Apocalyptic December film night: La Promesse (1996)
- Apocalyptic December film night: Fist Full of Dynamite (1972)
- Apocalyptic December film night: COP15 Climate Summit Disaster Riot Porn
- Apocalyptic December film night: The Doom generation (1995)
- 9 january 2010: Hierarchy&Authority, presentation and debate!
- Joe’s Belgische Filmmaand
- Joe’s Belgische Filmmaand
- Info-Benefiet dinner voor Schoon Genoeg in Joe’s en t’Blijvertje
- Benefit-Dinner-and-maybe-concert-too for Warka, School-Home Project in Ethiopia
- Sunday 25 April film: BOMBE SANGUE CAPITALE
- Benefit Voku for 30th May demonstration of Autonomous Antifa Amsterdam
- 3 May: Benefit dinner for anti-seed monopoly campaign
- Benefiet bekostigde bouw in ruraal Tjechie
- The Harder They Come (Perry Henzell, 1972)
- Joe’s Sundaynight Film – Italian June
- Joe’s Sundaynight Film – On the Road in July
- Monday August 2d: Solidarity night for Anti-War activists imprisoned in Iran
- 6 sept: benefit voku voor patapoe!
- No Joe-film this summer. New programm from October!!
- David Graeber at Joe’s Garage, October 2nd 2010
- 4th October 2010, WISE Dinner / Volkseten Vegazulu
- Benefit Party, Info Night for Migrant Solidarity Network in Turkey
- 18.10.2010 – Vegan benefit Voku for Anarchist singer and song writer Michael Schade
- Zaterdag 2 oktober 2010, Joe’s Garage bestaat 5 jaar! in samenwerking met Onkruid Festival
- Joe’s Sundaynight Film – October Program
- Wise Dinner Voku
- November 2010, Joe’s Garage complete program
- 15-11-2010 Benefit for Gullk, Internet Workspace in Kinshasha, Congo
- 11-11-2010 Kitchenpunx Benefit Voku for the Invisible Borders exhibition
- 29-11-2010 Mobilisation by the anarcha-feminist group Dolle Mollies
- December 2010, Joe’s Garage complete program
- Wednesday Night Films: Apocalyptic December
- December film program at Joe’s Garage
- Urban Permaculture Info Evening. Featuring film: ‘The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil’
- Benefit voku on urban food production
- International Actions Days benefit voku
- January 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Info Evening about the Tugelaweg Project
- Dolls
- Kitchenpunx Benefit Voku, Dresden Nazifrei!
- Infoavond ‘The Autonomous Life’ in Joes Garage
- The Platform
- Benefiet Werkgroep Stop Deportaties
- Info-VoKu VersVoko
- Joint Security Area
- Mongol: the Rise of Genghis Khan
- February 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Killing Fields
- Danton
- Benefit voku for Anarchists Against The Wall / Solidarity Evening for Jonathan Pollack
- Benefit voku Radio Patapoe
- Garbage Warrior
- Valentine benefit voku, “Bevrijde Stad makelaar; gratis Wonen ook voor u” campaign
- Solivoku for evicted Liebig14
- Blind Beast
- March 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Info-night on gentrification in Istanbul and anti-gentrification group Imece
- La Chinoise
- A Prophet
- Fermentation workshop (Part I)
- Fermentation workshop (Part II)
- The City of Lost Children
- April 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Lift to the Scaffold
- Fantastic Planet
- Voku-benefiet voor De Karavaan voor vrijheid van beweging en rechtvaardige ontwikkeling
- Info-avond over De Karavaan en vertoning van ‘Come Un Uomo Sulla Terra’
- Vrankrijk Infonight, Kitchen Punx voku
- Naasicaä of the valley of the wind
- Benefit Voku for the ‘Vrijland Makelaar’ campaign
- Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
- May 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Info Night Warka, Benefit voku
- Temple Grandin
- Benefit Voku for project DVP
- Revolting Minds: Infonight on current situation Zapatista in Chiapas
- Benefiet Voku Radio Patapoe
- Devrim Arabalari / Revolution Cars
- June 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Shortbus
- Squatting, part of the social capital that everyone agrees that is needed in society or oppositional movement? A debate.
- Queeristan Benefit
- Human Nature
- Benefit Voku for Compitch
- July & August 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Every Thing You Always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask
- Benefit Voku COP15 Courtcase
- Soli Voku voor de gearresteerde demonstranten tegen de repressie van justitie en politie
- Benefiet voku for the Swammerdamstraat 12
- September 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Kitchenpunxxx Soli Voku for de Valreep
- Benefiet Anti-heros, Soli Voku voor de arrestanten van 5 juli 2011
- Benefiet voku axiezeefdrukwerkplaats
- Fucking Åmål
- Benefiet Antifa-activisten UK
- Punch Drunk Love
- Benefiet Squat!net
- Benefiet Voices of Women Media (VOW Media)
- October 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- A little Romance
- Slingshot Hip Hop
- Infoavond Antifa-activisten UK / Filmavond met ‘Antifa, Skinhead Hunters’ and ‘The 43 Group’
- Reclaim de Buurt demonstratie
- Commune
- Buurtverhalen Transvaal
- District 9
- November 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Dinsdag 1 november 2011 ontruimingscircus in Amsterdam!
- Benefiet Doorbraak
- Benefit, infonight and mobilisation Castor 2011
- Waste Land
- Lesbian Vampire Killers
- Benefiet voku voor de Doorbraak krant
- Kinky boots
- BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens
- BajesDoc, Reclaim the Screens
- Solidariteit met laatste arrestant ontruimingsgolf
- Infonight and film about Dale Farm
- Infonight and film about Dale Farm
- Reclaim the Seeds benefit/infonight
- December 2011 Joe’s Garage program
- Born into Brothels: Calcutta’s Red Light Kids
- Aseed Infonight & Benefit Voku
- Boats4People Benefit
- Huurdersvereniging Benefit
- Huurdersvereniging Infonight
- January 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Filmavond: War Photographer
- Food & Film: Tampopo
- Boats4People Benefit
- Benefit and info night: Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism
- Benefit and info night: Repression and censorship against anarchist migration activism
- Borrel/Receptie Grote Oost
- Benefiet Huurdersvereniging
- Protests against SOPA
- Volkseten Vegazulu & Film “Justice on Trial” about Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Volkseten Vegazulu & Film “Justice on Trial” about Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Volkseten Vegazulu & Spearhead (acoustic set)
- Calafou Benefit
- XminY Benefiet
- XminY Benefiet
- All Included Infoavond
- Hans-Joachim Klein: My Life as a Terrorist
- Food & Filmavond, Carlos the Jackal
- Free Radio and Media Benefiet
- Aseed Infoavond
- Soweto Benefiet
- A SEED Infonight on agriculture and foodactivsism
- February 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Volkseten Vegazulu & Spearhead (acoustic set)
- De eerste kraak
- Greek Infonight, Debtocracy
- Sushi and Beetelling night
- Beetelling and Sushi night
- Volkseten Vegazulu, Mumia benefiet
- Volkseten Vegazulu, Mumia benefiet
- Benefiet voku Radio Patapoe
- Benefiet Voku Radio Patapoe
- Benefiet for ‘Reclaim The Seeds’ garden action at the Valreep
- Filmavond: Rivers and Tides – Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time
- Greek Infonight, Debtocracy
- Filmavond: West Beirut
- Volkseten Vegazulu, Anti ACTA benefit
- March 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Call for participants : Love Stories
- Benefiet voku Da Costakade 15hs, squat under eviction threat, 12th of April
- Bee-movie night, Sun April 15th
- Queeristan Benefiet
- Filmnight: Hedwig and the Angry Inch
- Solivoku for juridical support people in foreign detention, 23rd of April
- April 2012 Joe’s Garage Program
- Filmnight: the yes men
- Filmavond: Takva, A Man’s Fear of God
- Benefiet Voku, Da Costade kade, squat under eviction threat
- Bee-movie
- solivoku for juridical support people in foreign detention
- Queeristan Benefiet
- Egyptian film night: Saleh Cafe, The Aquarium
- Egyptian film night: Saleh Cafe, The Aquarium
- ZAD Benefit
- Storytelling
- ZAD Benefit
- Storytelling
- Benefiet Mobiele Aktie Keuken
- Benefiet Mobiele Aktie Keuken
- Filmavond: ‘Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’
- Filmavond: ‘Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People’
- ASEED Info night: Agriculture Action camp & Anti-gentech campaign
- Filmavond: Rabbit Hole
- Filmavond: Rabbit Hole
- Voices of Women Media Benefit
- Voices of Women Media Benefit
- Weiger de controleur, zet een ander slot op je deur!
- Mei 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Freetown Bajesdorp, Unplugged Living Room Festival, May 12th 2012
- Filmavond: Momo
- Filmavond: Momo
- Benefiet voor het SPekulatie Onderzoeks Kollektief (SPOK)
- Benefiet voor het SPekulatie Onderzoeks Kollektief (SPOK)
- Joe’s and Julie in Orient X Press
- Czech Squatting Activism Infonight
- Benefiet voku Buro Jansen&Janssen
- Benefiet voku Buro Jansen&Janssen
- Infonight on activism and safety by Buro Jansen & Janssen
- Infonight on activism and safety by Buro Jansen & Janssen
- Filmavond: Alice in Wonderland (original film from 1951)
- Benefiet for political prisoner 1st of May in Montevideo
- Benefiet for political prisoner 1st of May in Montevideo
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Vanishing Point (Richard Sarafian, 1971)
- Vanishing Point, a classic anti-authoritarian cult film
- June 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Movie night, The Jungle Book (1967) and Comic Propaganda
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: La Voie lactée (Luis Buñuel, 1969)
- Movie night, Kundun
- Anarchist Black Cross Summer Tour, Volkseten Vegazulu
- Movie night, The Tin Drum (1979)
- Movie night, CANCELLED!
- July 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Before The Revolution (1964)
- Benefit for Screen Print Studio
- Roomtuintje Oostbos Benefit
- Benefit WARKA
- Benefit Leonard Peltier & film night with Incident at Oglala
- Joe’s Garage vrijwilligersvergadering
- Benefit for Screen Print Studio
- Benefit for the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Diamonds of the Night (Jan Němec, 1964) and The Miners’ Hymns (Bill Morrison, 2011)
- Benefit for the Volkskeuken Zeeburgerpad 22
- September 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Benefit for the Anarcho Queer Punk Festival
- Benefit DJP Defend Job Philippines
- Benefit Kurdish Dutch Cultural Centre Amsterdam (KNCCA)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Cold Water (Olivier Assayas)
- Benefit Warka
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit
- October 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Red Nose Delicious Arab Spring Benefit Dinner
- Benefit Zapatista Autonomous Community
- November 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Movie night: Loners (2000)
- Benefit for Migrant Protest Camps
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Jonas will be 25 in the year 2000
- 14N, Vaga General Benefit
- Movie night: Freedom Ahead
- Roomtuintje Oostbos Benefit
- Infonight Zapatista indigenous communities in Chiapas
- ZAD Benefit
- Movienight: In Time
- Two benefit diners for the Anarchist Black Cross Mexico
- Benefit Mapuche Indian communities from Chile
- Movienight: Standard Operating Procedure
- Movie night: Larks on a String (1969)
- FLM (Field Liberation Movement) Benefit, Steun de Wetteren 11
- Movie night: Mars Attacks!
- Voku Special & Super 8 Sneak Screenings
- December 2012 Joe’s Garage program
- Solidarity assembly for Villa Amalias
- Police Violence Info night with a movie, The Murder of Fred Hampton
- Swammerdamstraat 12 Benefit
- “Feminism – Who still needs that?” Workshop
- Movie Night: Case for a Rookie Hangman (1969)
- Voices of Women Media Benefit/ “Breaking the Spell” Screening
- Babboo Theater
- Kraakspreekuur Oost Benefit
- Benefit Arent Krijtsstraat Diemen – Help us pay for water!
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Little Otik (2000)
- Benefit dinner for Talent Project Philippines
- January 2013 Joe’s Garage program
- Movie Night: Iron Sky
- Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning
- “Gender Revolution” Workshop
- Movie Night: Underground
- Kurdish Iranian movie night: Turtles Can Fly (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004)
- The Black Fish Benefit
- Movie Night: The Battle of Algiers
- February 2013 Joe’s Garage program
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Frances
- Benefiet Voku Soweto
- Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning
- Rights and Duties when Under Arrest, an Infonight by Joke Kaviaar
- Anarchists Against the Wall Benefit
- “How to be a Man – Deconstructing Masculinity” Workshop
- Movie night: Repo Men
- LaRage Benefit, Support the Squatting Scene
- Movie Night: Micmacs
- Roomtuintje Oostbos benefit
- Benefit Riseup
- Movie night: The Joke (1969)
- March 2013 Joe’s Garage Program
- Movie night: The Men Who Stare At Goats
- Benefiet voku Soweto
- Queeristan Benefit
- Contra Info solidarity event with anarchist comrades in Greek prisons
- Czech film night with Pavel Juráček and Jan Němec
- Steun Choucha Vluchtelingen Benefiet
- Revolutionary Cells – Defend militant history: Solidarity with Sonja and Christian Info evening with the solidarity group of Sonja and Christian from Germany
- Film night: Reds
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: F For Fake (1974), Death in the Port Jackson Hotel (1972)
- April 2013 Joe’s Garage Program
- Movie night: Blade Runner
- Info night: Soura! The ongoing Egyptian revolution and the role of women in the revolution
- Movie night: Closely Watched Trains (1966)
- Indigenous Movement Benefit
- Benefiet Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning
- “Non-monogamy and the Romantic idea of love” Workshop/Discussion
- Movie night: Infamy
- Benefit Mobilization against Monsanto
- Lawaai Launch Party and Benefit
- Movie night: Prison Images / News from a Personal War
- May 2013 Joe’s Garage Program
- Movie night: Daisies (1966)
- Autonomous Centre Köln on the Barricades
- Safer Place Organisers Meeting
- Nobordercamp Rotterdam Benefit
- Cooking Workshop
- Movie night: Five Broken Cameras
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit
- Movie night: No One Knows About Persian Cats (2009)
- Roomtuintje Oostbos benefit
- Benefit Mapuche communities and their fight for Autonomy
- Singer Songwriters
- Cooking Workshop
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962)
- Benefit Plan B
- Ubica Benefit
- Cut & Paste Party Workshop
- Movie night: The Edelweiss Pirates (2004)
- June 2013 at Joe’s Garage
- Psychedelic Film Night: Performance (1970)
- Uprisings in Turkey, Info night & Benefit
- Psychedelic Film Night: Barbarella (1968)
- Singer Songwriters Riot Summer
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Who’ll stop the rain (1978)
- Uprising in Brazil, Info night & Benefit
- Movie night: Bloody Sunday (2002)
- Paris suburbs’ squat “Le transfo” benefit and infonight
- July & August 2013 at Joe’s Garage
- Andy Warhol’s movie night: Trash (1970)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Le corbeau (1943)
- Genova 2001 is not over – Benefit Voku for the activists convicted after the G8 protests
- ‘How did Feminism end up being the big bad F* word’ Discussion
- Cut & Paste Party Workshop
- Movie night: Waltz with Bashir (2008)
- Autoclave Benefit
- Singer Songwriters: Leah Song, Shireen, Dangle Manatee
- Movie night: The Firemen’s Ball (1967)
- Movie night: The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema
- Get legalised or get evicted! Valreep Infonight & Volkseten Vegazulu
- Psychedelic Film Night: Midnight Cowboy (1969)
- Cardiff Squatters Network Infonight
- Presentation about the occupation of the Hambacher forest and call for mobilization!
- Singer Songwriters: Bucket Boyz, Andy Dale Patty, My Sisters Collected Fantasies
- Movie night: Black Block
- Joe’s Collage, Cut & Paste Party
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Billy Jack (1971)
- Free West Papua Campaign Infonight/Benefit, Volkseten Vegazulu
- September 2013 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie night: This Is Spinal Tap
- Indigenous Movement benefit. Columbus Day, nothing to celebrate, a lot to reflect, decolonize!
- Kritische Studenten Avond
- Movie night: Eyes Wide Shut
- Voices of Women Media Benefit/ Screening – a collection of migrant women’s stories
- Hambacher Forest Benefit
- Demonstration for the Valreep: October 19th, 14:00
- Benefiet Voku Soweto
- Benefit voku, towards fighting unjust evictions
- “The enemy within – What can we do about internalized sexism?” Discussion
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: It’s Gonna Get Worse (2007)
- Volkseten Vegazulu & concert with Hadji Ahmed (oud, voice)
- October 2013 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: A Scanner Darkly (2006)
- Mapuche Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: ‘Pastoral: To Die in the Country’ (1974)
- Kritische Studenten Avond with Frank Lopez ( & Naus Steves
- Kazova Occupied Benefit
- Solidarity is for white women. A discussion about feminism and intersectionality
- Solidarity event for activists from Maribor, acoustic music & food
- Kaikoesie Benefit
- Movie Night: Ucho (1970)
- Kritische Studenten Avond
- November 2013 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Gomorrah (2008)
- Hambacher Forest Benefit
- Anti-Gold mining info evening: An attempt to build a strategy platform
- Indigenous Movement on the move!
- Kritische Studenten Avond / Critical Students Evening
- Benefit for climate & Reclaim the Fields camp
- Infonight about squatting in Czech Republic with soup & movie ‘Occupy and Live’
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Benefit
- De Lastpost Benefit
- Singer Songwriters #5
- Movie night: Silent Sonata (Janez Burger, 2011)
- Theaterstraat Benefieten
- Movie night: All My Compatriots (1969)
- Movie night: The Man from Earth
- Benefit for Anarchist Collective Ghent
- Defending the right to privacy, benefit voku and info evening
- PerverT CinemA presents: The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade, usually shortened to Marat/Sade (1967)
- Benefit for Roberto
- Benefit Voku for ‘We are here’, undocumented migrants action group
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Spook Who Sat by the Door (1973)
- Benefit dinner Stichting Kaikoesie
- ICAD Benefit
- Movie Night: Eenhorn filmavond presents The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
- January 2014
- The year 2013 at Joe’s Garage in review
- Movie night: Ex Drummer (2007)
- Benefit for legal costs of an attempt to prevent arrest
- Movie Night: The Society of the Spectacle
- Calais Migrant Solidarity benefit, Call for international solidarity and action, info night about the situation in Calais
- Tent City Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Out of the Blue (1980)
- The Swamp benefit
- Ongehoord benefit dinner
- # # # DIY stencil workshop # # #
- Movie Night: Spirited Away (2001)
- Benefit dinner Stichting Kaikoesie
- Newsletter February 2014
- Movie night: Half Moon (Bahman Ghobadi, 2006)
- Theaterstraat Benefiet
- Movie Night: Wild Romance
- Soweto benefiet Voku
- Eenhorn Filmavond presents: City of God
- Friends in Need Fund benefit
- DIY Stencil Workshop
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Ascent (1977)
- Docu-info night, Montaje: Caso Bombas (2013)
- Benefit for Ukrainian comrades
- Benefit for the coming Indigenous People events
- DIY Stencil Workshop
- Movie night: Pamflet, Wat een pech, Kikker
- Kaikoesie Benefit Dinner
- Nobody is illegal!
- Joe’s volunteer meeting
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Panel Story (1980)
- Benefiet, ter bekostiging van vertalen documenten in verband met mensenrechten
- Revolution and counter revolution beyond Tahir, by Marc Almodóvar
- ‘We are here’ benefit – De VluchtMarkt
- Movie night: Erhal, a diary of Tahrir square (2011)
- Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Info & Benefit night for The Climate Games 2014
- Eenhorn Filmavond presents: A Separation (Asghar Farhadi, 2011)
- April news
- Benefit for political prisoners in Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Films From the Frontlines: Bosnia and Herzegovina in Spring and Pieces of Madrid
- Vechtstraat Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Silence (1963)
- Benefit for International Conference of social actors in Congo DRC
- Eenhorn Filmavond presents: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Guy Ritchie, 1998)
- Benefit
- Movie night: Cravan Vs. Cravan (2002)
- Info-night and benefit “Surround the Parliament”, Barcelona
- Iraq War 11 Years On: What’s the Real Story
- May news
- Movie night about Afghan refugees in Iran: “Three, Four Days Ago” & “Baran”
- Zaterdag 7 juni, de Valreep Manifestatie, de allerlaatste keer!
- Eenhorn Filmavond presents: Old Boy (Park Chan-wook, 2003)
- Autocontrol Squat Benefit
- Reclaim the Square! Volkseten Vegazulu on the Steve Bikoplein
- Workshop: baking bread with sourdough
- Movie night: Fantastic Planet (René Laloux, 1973)
- ASEED Benefit
- KSA info-night: Nao Vai Ter Copa – The World Cup and its Discontents
- Movie night: Night Train (Jerzy Kawalerowicz, 1959)
- Não vai ter Copa, só revolta. ABC Rio de Janeiro benefit. Brazil Uprising info night
- Benefit for ‘We Are Here’
- Movie night: Das Boot (Wolfgang Petersen, 1981)
- June 2014 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Com Vandalismo (2013, Brasil) – Benefit Cinema for Rafael Braga
- Joes is open in July and August
- Movie night: Knife in the Water
- Benefit Info-night for “Needle & Bitch”, Indonesia
- Movie Night – The Act of Killing (2012)
- Benefit for ‘ WE ARE HERE ‘ 28. juli
- Movie Night – Pedal (2001)
- Benefit Voku – Interference Festival
- Poster July/August 2014
- Reconstructing Joe’s
- Movie Night – Heli (2013)
- Kurdish movie night – A Time for Drunken Horses (Bahman Ghobadi, 2000)
- MovieNight – Pi (1998)
- Theaterstraat, rise from the ashes together!
- Movie Night – Yellow Submarine (1968)
- Movie night: The Land Between
- Benefit for ‘We Are Here’
- Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest
- Movie Night: I Love Hooligans + Idiots And Angels
- PerverT CinemA presents: The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology (2012)
- Squat dot net benefit voku dinner
- ‘Feminism is for everybody’ spoken word night
- Movie night: Los Santos Inocentes (Mario Camus, 1984)
- Benefit dinner for ART+ACTION in Bilin, occupied Palestine
- September 2014 at Joe’s Garage
- ATTENTION: 15 days major European operation controls against “illegal” migration.
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Knoflíkáři (1997)
- AutoControl: Benefit and info evening
- International Solidarity Movement info-night
- Movie night: Ekümenopolis – city without limits (Turkey, 2011)
- Benefit for the Palestinian Circus School in Birzeit, Palestine
- Movie Night: Lady Snowblood
- ‘Our Right’ Screening/ Voices of Women Media Benefit
- Kitchen Workshop: Falefel
- Movie night: M – Fritz Lang (1931)
- Info-night and benefit for Prosfygika occupied neighbourhood in Athens, Greece
- ICAD Benefit
- Concert with Slack Bird (banjo punk from Finland) & Dolan (violin solo)
- October 2014 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: The Boat that Rocked
- Benefit voku and infonight flashback about squatting around 2005 and liquidated landlords
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Army Of Shadows (1969)
- Benefit Voku: Rent Rebels
- Multimedia – Housing struggles and resistance against forced evictions
- OM art magazine benefit with presentation of first issue
- Kobanê is not alone! Solidarity dinner
- Rent Rebels, screening & discussion with activists from Berlin
- PerverT CinemA presents: Dead of Night (1945)
- Benefit for Feral Crust, autonomous space in Philippines
- Concert with Lynched and Het Brandt
- Movie Night: Harold and Maude (1971)
- November 2014 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for renovation of anarchist local Magdalena
- Iranian new wave cinema: A few kilos of date for a funeral (2006)
- Benefit for Cruz Negra Anarquista Mexico (Anarchist Black Cross Mexico)
- Benefiet voor nieuwe kraakhandleiding
- Workshop: Making Falafel
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Deadlock (1970)
- Vulva cupcake workshop
- Movie Night: Life in Loops – A Megacities RMX (2006)
- pERVERt cINEMa presents: The Holy Mountain (1973)
- Benefit voku for Alexanderstraat 3
- December 2014 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Incendies (2010)
- Benefit for Apatris, Greek anarchist newspaper
- Benefit for Axiepot Haarlem
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Szerelem (1971)
- Benefit for the people recently arrested by the Spanish State
- Workshop: Making Falafel
- Movie Night: pERVERT cINEMA pRESENTS: La Grande Bouffe (1973)
- Generation Alpha Rebel Cinema: Global Divestment Day edition – Hambi benefit
- Movie Night: The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1989)
- Benefit voku for Kobani II
- January 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Touch of Evil (1958)
- Documentary: Black Box BRD (2001)
- De Vloek Benefit, Solivoku, infonight and live music with Shireen and Sprank
- Kurdish movie night: The Songs of My Mothers Land – Marooned in Iraq (Bahman Ghobadi, 2002)
- Dangle Manatee (folf-punk from Glasgow, UK)
- Czech squatting weekend in Amsterdam. Klinika soli night with food, presentation
- Film & Info Night: ‘SÍ SE PUEDE. Seven Days at PAH Barcelona’ by Comando Video
- International Solidarity Movement Benefit
- February 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Documentary: Children of the Revolution (2010)
- Iranian Movie night: The Circle (2000)
- Benefit for the Theatre of the Spectaculaire Oorakeligheid
- Benefit and info-night Agriculture and climate action camp
- Workshop: How to make a screen print poster for Joe’s
- Movie Night: Pride (2014)
- Singer songwriters: Tim Loud and Tim Holehouse
- Benefit for Toca do Coelho, a self sustainable permaculture project in Portugal.
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Nenette and Boni (1996)
- Rowdy Acoustic Punk Invasion
- Info/filmavond over West Papua
- Falafel Workshop
- Movie Night: Trafic (1971)
- Rebetiko songs, traditional Greek songs
- March 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Punishment Park (1971)
- Benefit night for Pinknoise, a self-organized independent media collective
- Internet privacy-security workshop
- Iranian Movie night: Women Without Men (2009)
- Seed Bomb Making Workshop and Seed Swap Table
- Volunteer Network for Rojava reconstruction. Info night and benefit
- Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Campaign Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kes (1969)
- Benefit for Popular Assembly of Lavapiés in Madrid
- April 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Iranian movie night: The Song of Sparrows (2008)
- Benefit for the family Y.
- Babboo in concert
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: How to Get Ahead in Advertising (1989)
- Viva Con Agua Sankt Pauli Benefit
- Internet privacy-security workshop
- Benefit Liberta’ per Billy, Costa e Silvia
- Benefit for We Are Here with documentary screening
- Workshop: Making Falafel
- Movie Night: Kontroll (2003)
- May 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Singer songwriters: Tim Loud, Troy Faid, David Broad
- Singer songwriters: James Bar Bowen, Johnny Campbell, Shireen
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kamikaze 1989 (Wolf Gremm, 1982)
- Info night and benefit for Ground Control & The Climate Games
- Kurdish Movie Night: Blackboards (“Takhté siah”)
- Greenhouse Infoshop benefit
- Movie Night: 99 Franc (2007)
- Info night Squatting in the UK after the ban
- Taina Asili & Evan Greer, music for social change, Break the Chains tour
- June 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for recently established Prisoners Union in german prisons – Volkseten Vegazulu
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Dom zły (Wojciech Smarzowski, 2009)
- Benefit for All Included, Concert Qaraba Ensemble
- Iranian Movie night: The Day I Became a Woman (2000)
- Infonight with speakers from ISM-Palestine, Concert with Trio Bordelestino (Santiago de Chile), The Casual Acoustics (Amsterdam)
- West Sahara info and movie night: La Güera, my forgotten land
- Concert with The Resonant Rogues (Asheville, NC)
- July and August 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Cinema of the Dam’d presents: Kung Fu Hustle
- Movie Night: Encounters at the End of the World (2007)
- Cinema of the Dam’d presents: Danger: Diabolik
- Singer songwriters: Bettie Akkemaai and Dave Hughes
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: White Dog (1982)
- Benefit for the legal costs for the 6 arrested people on June 13th
- Iranian Movie night: At Five in the Afternoon (2003)
- ICAD Benefit
- Movie Night: The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call – New Orléans (2009)
- Concert with Monty Pagan Duo
- September 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Oproep tot 1 oktober demonstratie: Recht op Stad!
- West Sahara movie night: Life is Waiting (2015)
- Hands off the trees! Call for action in the Hambacher Forest
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Taxi Blues (1990)
- Benefit Dinner for Refugees in Lesvos Greece
- Benefit for We Are Here
- Cinema of the Dam’d presents: Hell House
- Bellies beyond borders, benefit for Guerilla Kitchen Amsterdam
- Movie Night: Buffet Froid (1979)
- Benefit and Info-night about JAAN (Jakarta Animal Aid Network)
- Open Discussion and benefit dinner: Migrant rights in the Mediterranean
- October 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Concert with The Flamenco Thief
- Benefit for an Iraqi organisation
- Concert with X-Ray Cat Trio and Zealous Doxy
- Revolution with Bare Hands. The Trajectory of a People. The Burkina Faso
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Johnny Got His Gun (1971)
- Concert with Rob Galloway, Johnny Campbell and rebel poet David Holmes
- Benefit for Laat Ze Niet Lopen!
- 10 jaar Joe’s Garage
- 10 years Joe’s Garage
- Iranian Movie night: Kandahar (2001)
- Movie night: Lenny (1974)
- November 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Iranian Movie Night: Ten (2002)
- Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Act!on Food benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Los Olvidados
- Still not loving Ymere
- Movie Night: K2 and the Invisible Footmen
- Black and White movie night: Saturday night sunday morning (1960)
- December 2015 at Joe’s Garage
- Prisoner support in Chile. Benefit voku and music with Rebet guitarS
- Vluchtkonvooi Benefit
- Black Cat Cine presents Citizenfour & Terminal F: Chasing Edward Snowden
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Naked Civil Servant
- Benefit for Aid Delivery Mission
- Movie night: The lost honour of Kathariana Blum
- Concert with Cistem Failure. Smash the Freakin Patriarchy Tour 2016
- Iranian new wave cinema: Afghan Alphabet (2002)
- January 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Solidarity with the political prisoners in Turkey! Benefit voku
- VluchtBus Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Decline of Western Civilization
- Tim Loud & X Ray Cat
- Benefit for Centro Social Libertario in Cuba
- Black Cat Cine presents Venuto al Mondo
- All Included Benefit
- James Bar Bowen
- Benefit for Aid Delivery Mission
- Urban Struggle: Guest Lecture on Squatting in Amsterdam
- Iranian New Wave Cinema: The Silence (1998)
- Benefit for Dunkirk refugee camp
- February 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit against state repression in Madrid (And the rest of the world!)
- Black Cat Cine presents Land and Freedom (Tierra y Libertad)
- Benefit for LLECA, a Dutch-Nicaraguan theatre collective
- Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Kiss Me Deadly
- Kurdish movie night: Half Moon (Bahman Ghobadi, 2006)
- Down By Law (1986)
- Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey!
- Benefit mobilisation Ende Gelände, Lausatia May 2016
- March 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- The Black Panthers: Vaguard of the Revolution (2015)
- Freedom of Movement! Equal Rights for All! All Included Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Norma Rae
- Benefit Alerta Alerta Festival
- Concert with Gus Ring. Volkseten Vegazulu
- Iranian New Wave Cinema: Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame (2007)
- Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner
- Nieuwland-Soweto benefit and info night
- Black and White movie night: La Vie de Bohème (1992)
- Solidarity with the struggle of the political prisoners in Turkey! X Ray Cat Trio gig
- Greek night with ‘Rebet Guitar’
- April 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Ecuadorian movie night: Con mi corazón en Yambo (2011)
- Ecuadorian dinner in support of the victims of the earthquake in Ecuador
- Movie night: La Estrategia del Caracol
- Efa Supertramp and Dancing Queer
- Info Benefietavond demotour ‘Geen kind aan de kant!’
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Murderers Are Among Us
- Aid Delivery Mission benefit. Folk punk night with Giz Medium and Captain Chaos.
- Iranian New Wave Cinema Nomad Tribes of Iran Special: ‘Gabbeh’ (1996)
- Benefit for struggle against Gentrification in Jeruzalem neighbourhood in Amsterdam East
- Black and White movie night: The Heart of a Dog (1988)
- Benefit Autonoom Centrum Den Haag
- May 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit & Infonight: Germany and its Nazis: the NSU murders
- Benefit Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Charles, Dead or Alive
- Rhythms of Resistance benefit dinner
- Black and white film night: M eine stadt sught einen morder (Fritz Lang, 1931)
- Benefit For Ishtar. Music with Benjamin Hermann and Dana Sipos Trio
- June 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku Benefit We Are Here
- Benefit Freedom of Movement All Included
- Rob Galloway, Vince Caillaud and Bettie Akkemaai Acoustic Show
- July 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Show with Ronley Teper and The Lipliners
- F-word benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Dreamlife of Angels
- We Are Here benefit with Paper Wings (folk punk from Liverpool)
- August 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Ajo Negro Benefit
- Benefit voku & acoustic night for Mutfak soli kitchen w/ Serpent (be), Branding (be) and Kopfleuchten (de)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: I Know Where I’m Going!
- Subtitling workshop
- Movie night: Amsterdamned
- Benefit for No Border Kitchen Lesvos
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Toxic Love
- A Lazy Cat
- Anti-Fascistische Actie Benefit. Show with Slack Bird (Finland) and Fabian Maddison (Uk)
- Movie night: The Last Supper (1976)
- PazALaCalle en Amsterdam: Es la paz posible en Colombia?
- Infonight and Food – Housing for all//Cologne + KoZe//Hamburg
- Movie night: Los Viajes del Viento (2009)
- Vigil for Peace – PazAlaCalle Holanda
- October 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Volkseten Vegazulu – Benefit for the (recently set free) anarchist prisoner Gabriel Pombo da Silva
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Fuckoffguysgoodday (1992)
- Show with Troy Faid (duo guitar, double bass from Scunthorpe, UK)
- Benefit for the Refugees Squats in Athens. Music with “Rebet guitar +S”
- Movie night: The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012)
- Show with Ronley Teper, Pit Hermans and Tim Postage
- Benefit for Antifascist Action Kavala (Greece)
- Brighton Antifascists Benefit, Seeking a Drop (acoustic set), Volkseten Vegazulu
- Movie night: The Army of Crime (2009)
- November 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Squatters Legal Costs Benefit with The Bucket Boyz
- Movie night: french documentary on sustainability
- Benefit for No Border Kitchen Lesvos with Cistem Failure
- Theater & Discussion: ‘Marx is Back’ (a play on history)
- Movie night: HyperNormalisation (2016)
- All Included benefit, actions against Valletta by Afrique Europe Interact in Africa and Europe
- Movie night: Revolution with bare hands. The trajectory of a people. Burkina Faso. (2015) by Moussa Ouédraogo & Hans-Georg Eberl
- Benefiet Voku AFA
- PazAlaCalle Benefit, Colombia Peacebuilding Conversation
- Benefit for Kasa Marisol, okupa en Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona)
- December 2016 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie night: Divine Intervention (Elia Suleiman, 2002)
- Benefit for We Are Here Academy + Iranian movie night: Fireworks Wednesday (Asghar Farhadi, 2006)
- Benefit for LLECA, a Dutch-Nicaraguan theater collective
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Harlan County U.S.A. (Barbara Kopple, 1976)
- January 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Rome, Open City (Roberto Rossellini, 1945)
- Viva Inde Platforma! Info talk about autonomous spaces under attack in Slovenia
- Movie night: Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst, aka “Neverland: The Rise and Fall of the Symbionese Liberation Army” (Robert Stone, 2004)
- Benefit Aid Delivery Mission Balkans 2017
- Benefit for Gato Encerrado Collective in Uruguay. Music with Almudena y Davide
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey. Music by Taiacore and Seeking a Drop
- Black Cat Cine presents “We Come As Friends”
- Benefit for the campaign against forced deportation to African countries with Bad Kitten
- February 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Other Cinema: El Cadáver Exquisito (Victor Ruano, 2011)
- Benefit for Dutch Artists in Action
- Music by Ken Parsons (rebel folk)
- Black Cat Cine presents “The Square” (Jehane Noujaim, 2013)
- No More President’s: Trump Arrestees Benefit
- LLECA’s Bienvenida. Benefit with ex-prisoner group from Nicaragua
- Benefit NSU Tribunal
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Woman from Rose Hill
- Dzsinnkaladzsi
- AAA Infocafe: “Being Anarchist in the 21st century?”
- March 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Xiao Wu (The Pickpocket, Jia Zhangke, 1997)
- Anarcho folk punk night with Paper Wings + Mercurius Rising + Ash Ludd
- Get together with Gabriel Pombo da Silva – Ex-prisoner
- Other Cinema: Paris is Burning (Jenni Livingston ,1991)
- ASEED Food Autonomy Festival (FAF) Benefit
- “Killing the Black Snake: Behind the Scenes of the #NODAPL Struggle”. Documentary and Discussion Night
- Colombian evening, Wiwa community, photo exhibition & more
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Poison
- April 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for the short film “Dit Is Voor Niemand Leuk” by Martijn Lenten
- Other Cinema: Tongues Untied (Marlon Riggs, 1989)
- Alerta Alerta Festival Benefit Voku, Concert with Reinis Young
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: El Pico (Eloy de la Iglesia, 1983)
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey. Show with Troy Faid (Scunthorpe, UK)
- Benefit the court costs of the evicted squat at Ruijterkade 110
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Greece. With Rebet guitarS and Tassos
- “Cinema Perpetuum Mobile” Short Films
- Screening: The Strange World of Gurney Slade (1960)
- Benefit for Mumia Abu-Jamal
- May 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Ajami (Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani, 2009)
- Antimilitaristic Camp in Germany – Info and discussion
- Benefit for Art & Craft Workshops for Asylum Seekers – Music with Kara Güneş
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: From the Journals of Jean Seberg (Mark Rappaport, 1995)
- Music with Tim Holehouse and Tragical History Tour
- Benefit for “Ink the rich!”, DIY Print Kollectiev
- Benefit Freedom of Movement All Included – Music & performances with Efa Supertramp, Dancing Queer & Glittasphyxia
- “HyperCoup. Rise of the Troll Nation”. Movie screening and discussion
- Lifelong Hangover (folk punk duo from Finland)
- Music with Jake Bellissimo & Maud Scheltinga
- June 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey, music with Bordelestino (Chile)
- Summer opening times and program
- Benefit for the G20 arrestees
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey. Music with the Resonant Rogues
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Ace in the Hole (Billy Wilder, 1951)
- Benefit Freedom of Movement All Included & puppet show with the Enormous Face
- Benefit for the G20 arrestees
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: I was Nineteen (Konrad Wolf, 1968)
- Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands
- Other Cinema: Born in Flames
- Music with Abigail Lapell and Shawn William Clarke
- Benefit voku: Solidarity with G20 prisoners
- Solidarity with G20 prisoners – OIA+KALI Queer Feminist Rap
- Earthquake relief fundraiser in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, México
- October 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Freedom of Movement
- Music with Sol Okarina
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Missing (Costa-Gavras, 1982)
- Benefit voku & info talk: AFA Amsterdam
- Benefit for Radio Totopo, Mexico
- Benefit for the political prisoners in Turkey
- Benefit for a cultural project in Peru. Music with Captain Frank & The Cheap Ho’s
- Yiddish revolutionary and resistance songs
- Benefit voku for refugee families in the Netherlands
- November 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Ajo Negro Benefit
- Benefiet eten voor waterdichte patentwet voedselgewassen
- Black Cat Cine presents: “Bikes VS Cars” (Fredrik Gertten, 2015)
- Benefit for legal costs for anti Pegida demonstrators Dublin. Featuring music from Raz O’Connor
- VegaZulu Freedom for Peike
- December 2017 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie night: The Crowd (1928)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Pickup on South Street (Sam Fuller, 1953)
- Benefit Freedom of Movement
- Pintxo & Cinema: Dead City (Ciutat Morte), docu by Xavier Artigas and Xapo Ortega (2013)
- Benefiet voor J20 arrestanten + docu ANTIFA
- No Border Kitchen Lesvos Benefit
- January 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for Libertatia squat in Greece. Music with Rebet Guitar
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: When I’m Dead and Gone (Živojin Pavlović, 1967)
- Benefit diner for Syrian refugees
- Mumia Abu-Jamal Benefit
- Movie night: Strike (Eisenstein, 1925)
- Black Cat Cine presents a Pitch Black Comedy
- Benefit for the Social Kitchen “The Other Human” in Athens
- Benefit Dentists4Refugees
- February 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) – Jalazone Playground: Benefit Dinner
- Black Cat Cine presents: Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jarmusch, 1984)
- Benefit Dinner Volkseten Vegazulu for Pan-European meeting for practical solidarity
- Movie night: The Goddess (Wu Yonggang, 1934)
- Benefit Freedom of Movement
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Moi, un noir (Jean Rouch, 1958)
- Colombian film night
- Benefit for the struggle against the squat ban in Belgium
- March 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefiet diner #2 voor Jalazone Playground
- International Solidarity Movement Palestine infonight
- Movie Night: Hannah K. (Costa-Gavras, 1983)
- Benefit for “Els nou de Vilanova” (the 9 from Vilanova)
- Benefit the Moria 35
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Far from Vietnam (1967)
- Movie night: Black Panthers (Agnès Varda, 1968), Zéro de Conduite (Jean Vigo, 1933)
- April 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli, workshop of Modal music
- Benefiet diner #3 voor Jalazone vluchtelingenkamp!
- Wij Stoppen Steenkool Voku Benefiet & Code Rood Info
- Ajo Negro Benefit Voku
- Last modal music workshop Aman Molli of the season!
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Year 01 (1969)
- Benefit Freedom of Movement – Music with Farbrengen, acoustic klezmer duo from New Orleans
- Movie night: Girls in Uniform (1931)
- Benefit Dinner: Tila Commons, Chiapas
- Efa Supertramp, folk punk acoustic show
- Movie and Conversation: Together We Defend Our Mother Earth: Documentary on the Commons of Tila, Chiapas, Mexico
- May 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefiet diner #4 voor Jalazone vluchtelingenkamp!
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Solo (Jean-Pierre Mocky, 1970)
- Drum in the Rhythms of Resistance : A Benefit Dinner
- Ecra Ed Otorkse
- Rosa Luxemburg (1986)
- Voku-Benefit for Climate Justice & short info-talk Code Rood
- June 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Two events for APATRIS greek anarchist newspaper with live music
- Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project
- Revenir (To Return), documentary by David Fedele and Kumut Imesh
- Ajo Negro Benefit Voku
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Punk Singer
- Voku-Benefit for Climate Justice & short info-talk Code Rood
- Morning Patrol (Nikos Nikolaidis, 1987)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Latest from the DaDa-ER
- Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #6
- Documentary Film from Syria: Everyday Life in a Syrian Village
- Voku-Benefit for Climate Justice & short info-talk Code Rood
- Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #7
- Pervomaisk, 1st of May – documentary film by Flora Reznik – screening and conversation
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Joe (John G. Avildsen, 1970)
- Benefit for APATRIS greek anarchist news paper
- De Sputnik benefit
- Documentary screening: Arna’s Children (Juliano Mer-Khamis, 2004)
- A solidarity voku for Russian antifascists
- Benefiet diner voor Jalazone speeltuin project #8
- Aman molli special concert by Michalis Kouloumis and Alexandros Papadimitrakis
- Movie night: Sanfermines 78 (Juan Gautier, José Ángel Jiménez, 2005)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: L’été (Marcel Hanoun, 1968) + Radio Voorwaarts (Mateo Vega, 2018)
- October 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Working Class Goes to Heaven (Elio Petri, 1971)
- Benefit dinner for “la parole aux Migrants”
- Concert with The Flamenco Thief
- Black Cat Cine presents High and Low (Akira Kurosawa, 1963)
- Viento Sin Fronteras (Venezuela)
- Aman molli: Greek folk guitar night!
- L’AMOUR ET LA RÉVOLUTION: No, nothing is over in Greece (Yannis Youlountas, 2018) — ΑΓΆΠΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΑΝΆΣΤΑΣΗ: Όχι, τίποτα δεν έχει τελειώσει στην Ελλάδα (ΓΙΆΝΝΗΣ ΓΙΟΥΛΟΥΝΤΑΣ)
- Benefit voku for imprisoned Russian activists
- November 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli special concert with Serenade Ensemble
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Au Hasard, Balthazar (Robert Bresson, 1966)
- Benefit for Ateneu Anarquista de Rubi
- Black Cat Cine presents: Moderne Tijden (Chaplin, 1936)
- Palestinian Film: Chronicle of Disappearance (Elia Suleiman, 1996)
- December 2018 at Joe’s Garage
- January 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman Molli: special concert with Mále Vráse
- Transit Levantkade
- March 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- Anarcho folk night: James Bar Bowen and JR Bathoorn
- Workshop DIY Natural Cosmetics II
- Benefiet eten voor de proceskosten in de ontruimingszaak Fort Velsen
- Aman molli: singing workshop by Vanessa Kourtesi
- Libertarias (Vicente Aranda, 1996)
- Uitzicht benefit voku
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Black and White in Colour (Jean-Jacques Annaud, 1976)
- Benefit for the Jaarboek Kraken 2018
- De Nieuwe Meent benefit voku
- Korrika Amsterdam
- Lipstick Under My Burkha (Alankrita Shrivastava, 2016)
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- April 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli: workshop by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Blame it on Fidel! (Julie Gavras, 2006)
- Steun Faso Kele, ecoboerengemeenschap in Guinée!
- Cinder Well, haunting folk from Ennis, Ireland
- Workshop DIY Natural Cosmetics III
- Dan Kemp and Ash Ludd
- Radar Benefit
- Prague Tattoo Circus benefit by Ajo Negro
- LAG benefit voku with Sharp Knives, angry anarcho folk trio from Lisbon and Valinor from Huelva
- Ajo Negro antiauthoritarian kitchen & info evening about the criminalization of social movements, forced disappearance, torture and impunity in Mexico
- Sugar Cane Alley / La Rue Cases-Nègres (Euzhan Palcy, 1983)
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- Benefit for anti-ICE activists in Arizona
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Die Beunruhigung / Apprehension (Lothar Warneke, 1982)
- Food Autonomy Festival Benefit Night
- Benefit Voku for Augustinus Church legal costs
- May 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- June 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli special: workshop and jam session by Alexandros Papadimitrakis and Vanessa Kourtesi
- Book presentation JaKra! #1 (Squatting Yearbook 2018)
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The films of Pierre Merejkowsky
- Benefit for Devrimci Otonomlar, revolutionary autonomes in Turkey
- Border Radio (Allison Anders, Dean Lent and Kurt Voss)
- JaKra! #1
- July August 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Voku for Augustinus Church legal costs
- The Time That Remains (Elia Suleiman, 2009)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Bone (Larry Cohen, 1972)
- Mobilization No Border Camp 2019
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave (Alexander Kluge, 1973)
- Flamenco Thief & Angela Chan duo
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- Venezuelan movie screening: La Soledad (Jorge Thielen Armand, 2016)
- Benefit Association Togolaise des Expulsés
- September 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- ♬♬♬ Concert with Arrajatabla from Mexico City ♬♬♬ Radar benefit voku
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Stardust (Michael Apted, 1974)
- 7 Cajas (Juan Carlos Maneglia, Tana Schémbori, 2012)
- Info Night on the New Squatting Law
- Fundraiser Dinner for the L’Amassada ZAD!
- Rewers (Borys Lankosz, 2009)
- October 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for legal fund
- Aman Molli special concert
- Hong Kong films
- Benefit & info in support of Mumia Abu-Jamal
- Amsterdam Street Medics Fundraiser
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: OSS 117 Lost in Rio (Michel Hazanavicius, 2009)
- Aman molli, modal music workshops
- Benefit & info in support of the undocumented refugees of We Are Here
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- November 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Tricks (Andrzej Jakimowski, 2007)
- Ajo Negro Benefit for Legal fund
- Even the Rain (Icíar Bollaín, 2010)
- Benefit for legal fund for squatters
- The Fig House (Pitzi Kampouroglou, 2019)
- Support your local squat
- Benefit for Oops…Amstel45 legal costs
- Striving for Autonomy! the Barricade 3rd anniversary
- SRP (Studenten voor Rechtvaardigheid in Palestina) benefit dinner
- Benefit for Syrian families
- Spacial Abundance: Imaginaries of Post-Industrial Catalunya
- Benefit for Calafou, the post-capitalist, eco-industrial colony
- December 2019 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: El pico II (cine quinqui retrospective)
- Benefit voku for renovations costs of squatted villa Ivicke in Wassenaar
- Aman molli: Last Practice of Modal music for 2019
- Benefit for Syrian families
- Stop EU complicity in migrant deaths at external borders – Benefit All Included
- Benefit for legal fund for squatters
- Amsterdam Street Medics Fundraiser
- Benefit voku for Apatris, Greek anarchist newspaper
- January 2020 at Joe’s Garage
- February 2020 at Joe’s Garage
- What’s going on in Chile? Sunday 1srt March
- March 2020 at Joe’s Garage
- La nouvelle politique d’Amsterdam : Pas d’expulsion pour du vide…
- Amsterdam’s New Policy: No Eviction for Emptiness…
- Amsterdam’s New Policy: No Eviction for Emptiness…
- Benefit for No Border Kitchen Lesvos
- Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund Voku
- Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund benefit. Steve Bikoplein Volkseten Vegazulu and basketball game
- Benefit for legal fund. Vegan Pizza Take to the square
- Nee tegen de nieuwe politie wet! No to the new police law!
- Solidarity with our immigrant comrades attacked by the urban guard in Barcelona
- Benefit for legal fund. Vegan Pizza Take to the square
- PUSCII benefit
- Benefit for legal fund. Vegan Shoarma Take to the square
- Solidarity voku for El Real Under cultural center in Mexico city
- Benefit for Kesha Niya
- PUSCII benefit on the Steve Bikoplein
- Benefit for Belarusian Black Cross – VeganVoku TakeAway
- VOKU Benefit for ]LAG(
- Take Away Voku for Lesvos Mutual Aid Network
- Benefit for Rosa Nera squat
- Benefit for Progetto 20K
- Burendag on the Steve Bikoplein
- No Borders Benefit
- Benefit for the squatter’s legal defence fund
- Proxy Cafe
- Justice for Sammy B
- Benefit for Progetto 20K, refugee support group in Ventimiglia
- New Squatting Law – Squat Wars IV, Return of the squatting ban.
- July August 2021 at Joe’s Garage
- Latin american movie night: No (Pablo Larraín, 2012)
- PUSCII Benefit, Rebetiko Night
- Benefit for legal fund
- Iranian movie night: Tehran Taboo (Ali Soozandeh, 2017)
- Benefit for Anarchist prisoners in Belarus
- Iranian Movie night: Kandahar (Mohsen Makhmalbaf, 2001)
- Benefit for Federation of Anarchism on Iran and Afghanistan
- Benefiet voor Solidariteitsnetwerk Vloerwerk na razzia
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Coming Home (Hal Ashby, 1978)
- Radar benefit voku
- Google free android phone workshop
- September 2021 at Joe’s Garage
- Sweet sixteen and still angry! Protestmanifestatie
- Rockers (Ted Bafaloukos, 1978)
- Benefit for Lesvos Mutual Aid Network
- LAG benefit voku
- Letter from a Time of Exile (Borhane Alaouié, 1988) – The Chair (Cynthia Choucair, 2002)
- Anarchist Bookfair Amsterdam Fund Raiser
- October 2021 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli: Practice of Modal music
- Benefit voku for South Hebron Hills villages
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Tout va bien (Jean-Luc Godard, 1972)
- Soli voku for legal costs in Berlin. United we stand with Køpi and Køpiplatz. Rebetika Night
- Kreative Night
- It Must Be Heaven (Elia Suleiman, 2019)
- November 2021 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit for Lesvos Mutual Aid Network
- Black Sea Files (Ursula Biemann, 2005), The Host (Miranda Pennell, 2015)
- An Introduction to the Esperanto Language, History and Community
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Romuald et Juliette (Coline Serreau, 1988)
- Solidarity Voku for Undocumented Migrant Women. No one is illegal!
- Proxy Cafe, discussion about “social” media and alternatives
- Circumstance (Maryam Keshavarz, 2011)
- Voku benefit for the struggle against the french-italian border + TUSOL (acoustic punk from Romania)
- Esperanto course #1
- Black and White Night: One, two, three (Billy Wilder, 1961)
- Proxy Cafe, Anarchist Subtitling Workshop
- Esperanto course #2 – Zamenhof Day
- December 2021 at Joe’s Garage
- Joe’s Garage gaat ook niet naar De Balie voor een discussie over kraken
- Proxy Cafe, passwords managers and GPG workshop
- February 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Gundermann (Andreas Dresen)
- Proxy Cafe, Radar workshop
- Black and White Movie Night: The General Line (Sergei Eisenstein and Grigori Aleksandrov, 1929)
- CANCELLED: LAG benefit voku
- Esperanto course #6
- Movie night: Life According to Agfa (Assi Dayan, 1993)
- Benefit for Het Kraaienest, new squatted social center in Groningen
- Demonstration against all evictions and state repression
- Iranian movie night: My Tehran for Sale (Granaz Moussavi, 2009)
- March 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Black & White Movie Night: Stranger Than Paradise (Jim Jarmush, 1984)
- Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine
- Proxy Cafe, DNS workshop
- The Watermelon Woman (Cheryl Dunye, 1996)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Die endlose Nacht (Will Tremper, 1963)
- Proxy Cafe, Tails OS workshop
- Jaffa, the Orange’s Clockwork (Eyal Sivan, 2009)
- Benefit voku for mutual-aid groups in Ukraine, Operation Solidarity fundraiser
- Esperanto course #7, #8, #9
- April 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Acción mutante (Álex de la Iglesia, 1993)
- Benefit voku: For Stefan Lachen. Against Police Brutality
- Aman molli: Special concert!
- Benefit Voku: Calais Squats fundraiser
- Movie Night: Kung Fu Master! (Agnès Varda, 1987)
- Proxy Cafe, Book and zine making workshop
- Rumble Fish (Francis Ford Coppola, 1983)
- Esperanto course #11
- May 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Medium Cool (Haskell Wexler, 1969)
- Benefit VoKu for Vrij Parkeren Leiden, acoustic set from Acid Reflux
- Benefit dinner for Ukrainian refugees in Amsterdam
- Aman molli: Special concert! Support anti-war actions and Squat Fabrika Yphanet
- Movie night: Everybody Knows (Asghar Farhadi, 2018)
- Proxy Cafe Benefit Voku, Rebet guitaR
- Proxy Cafe, GIMP flyer design workshop
- Fundraiser for Lesvos Mutual Aid Network, music with Your Local Pirates
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator (Dušan Makavejev, 1967)
- June 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie Night: Arna’s Children (Juliano Mer-Khamis & Danniel Danniel, 2004) + Benefit for the Freedom Theater in Jenin
- Benefit for evicted Italian feminist squat, La Magni*fica
- Open Garage VoKu: No Borders Lesvos
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Morvern Callar (Lynne Ramsay, 2002)
- July 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- World Music Jam: El Mo Collective
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Sexy Beast (Jonathan Glazer, 2000)
- Solidarity VoKu for protesting asylum seekers in Tunis
- Woonstrijdfilmmiddag
- Tameio Benefit – Rebetiko night, Volkseten Vegazulu and special concert with Rebet GuitarS
- August 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: I cannibali (Liliana Cavani, 1970)
- Cinema Italia: Pane e tulipani (Silvio Soldini, 2000)
- Cinema Italia: Ovosodo (Paolo Virzì, 1997)
- Solidarity Voku for Undocumented Families in Amsterdam. No one is illegal!
- September 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Iranian movie night: The Salesman (Asghar Farhadi, 2016)
- Proxy Cafe
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Divided Heaven (Konrad Wolf, 1964), GDR series
- Joe’s Garage open assembly
- Esperanto: Docufilm Window to the world: an Esperanto journey
- Cinema Italia: Marrakech Express (Gabriele Salvatores, 1989)
- Movie Night: Metaal en Melancholie (Heddy Honigmann, 1993)
- Benefit events for Wijde Heisteeg 7 squatters, support the squatter’s legal defence fund
- Esperanto: Cinema and Esperanto video
- Movie night: Politics in India – Environment, Gender, Human rights
- October 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Voku for WH7 legal costs
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Vertical Ray of the Sun (Tran Anh Hung, 2000)
- Benefit Voku for reunification funds
- Proxy Cafe, IT security practices
- Machines in Flames: a secret history of self-destruction (Thomas Dekeyser, Andrew Culp, 2022)
- Tameio Benefit Voku, Flamenco Thief concert
- Benefit Voku Punks for Rojava Solidarity Campaign. Music performance with Baschira & Roleda
- Aman molli: Benefit voku for the Ypostego social centre and Rebetiko night
- Cinema Italia: Selfie (Agostino Ferrente, 2019)
- Benefit Voku for Women refugees homeless from Venezuela
- November 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- Esperanto Workshops for beginners and intermediates
- Cinema Swiss: Little escapes (Yves Yersin, 1979)
- Abortion Network Amsterdam benefit voku + acoustic concert “Rodriga or Gabrielo”
- Aman molli: Special Concert
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Ipcress File (Sidney J. Furie, 1965)
- Students for Justice in Palestine Fundraising Dinner
- El Mo Collective: World Music Jam Session 2
- Iranian movie night: About Elly (Asghar Farhadi, 2009)
- Benefit voku & discussion in support and solidarity with refugees in Dutch AZCs
- Cinema Italia: Sostiene Pereira (Roberto Faenza, 1995)
- LAG benefit voku + documentary screening ‘Roma Illegale’ (Andrea Scarcella)
- December 2022 at Joe’s Garage
- No borders Lesvos benefit voKu
- Aman molli: Benefit dinner & Special Concert – Asteris Varveris & Eirini Zogali
- Cinema Italia: Caos calmo (Alessandro Grimaldi, 2008)
- Benefit voku in solidarity with Iranian protesters, documentary screening and discussion with Iranian protesters
- Benefit Voku for WH7 legal costs
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: finally the legendary Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema (René Viénet, 1973)
- Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku
- Esperanto: Musical “June kaj Kune”
- Benefit voku for Victims of the Reikerhaven Fire
- Lesvos Mutual Aid Network, No Borders Lesvos benefit voku with a jam concert by Annie’s Joy & the Vaxxxines
- January 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Voku for Movimiento de Mujeres y Diversidades Indígenas por el buen vivir (Indigenous Women’s Movement for Good Living)
- Esperanto Workshops for beginners and intermediates
- Queers for justice benefit diner
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Glengarry Glen Ross (James Foley, 1992)
- Benefit voku for association of refugees in Libya
- Benefit voku for Lützerath
- Iranian movie night: Crimson Gold (Jafar Panahi, 2003)
- Watch the med Alarm Phone benefit voku
- Benefit VoKu for Prosfygika & music by Rembetiko Against The Machine
- Lebanese movie night: Capernaum (Nadine Labaki, 2018)
- VoKu benefit for legal fees for Rodrigo Lanza
- February 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Cinema Italia: Not Of This World (Giuseppe Piccioni, 1999)
- Benefit for No Border Kitchen Lesvos
- Esperanto Film Night: 1910 de Exploring Esperanto (2022)
- Benefit for OccupyUvA
- Aman molli: Vocal Workshop with Vanessa Kourtesi & Special Concert with Vanessa Kourtesi and Asteris Varveris
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Zabriskie Point (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1970)
- Volkseten Vegazulu in solidarity with Earthquake victims in Turkey, Syria and Rojava
- Benefit VoKu for medical funds and Rebetiko live music
- Lebanese movie night: The Ugly One (Eric Baudelaire, 2013)
- Benefit Voku for The Senegalese Association in Palermo
- Proxy Cafe, movie screening: The Internet’s Own Boy – The Story of Aaron Swartz (Brian Knappenberger, 2014)
- ROSA benefit
- March 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Esperanto Workshops for beginners and intermediates
- Benefit dinner in solidarity with earthquake victims in Turkey, Syria and Rojava
- Cinema Italia: The Seduction of Mimi (Lina Wertmüller, 1972)
- ROSA benefit voku, music with Lasha, the lonely horseboy
- Samidoun Benefit
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Billy Liar (John Schlesinger, 1963)
- Voku benefit for legal costs
- Proxy Cafe, making maps, importing calendars
- Voku benefit, child reunification costs for a lesbian refugee
- Movie night: Fight with Care (Bhargay & Ourratul Ain, 2023)
- Voku Benefit from the Future
- Movie night: The Official Story (Luis Puenzo, 1985)
- Benefit VoKu for Phoenix
- April 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Cinema Italia: Comrade Don Camillo (Luigi Comencini, 1965)
- Benefit Voku for Mapuche Community “Lof Buchile/Oyarzo- Calfú”
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: La comunidad (Álex de la Iglesia, 2000)
- Benefit dinner, screening and info talk in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito
- ROSA benefit
- Radical Sunday School
- Language Cafe – Taal Cafe
- Proxy Cafe, film subtitling and captioning
- Benefit VoKu for fire victims in Mumbai’s “squatted” settlements
- May 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- No Borders No CPR!
- AFGA movie Screening & Discussion: Queen of Lapa (Theodore Collatos and Carolina Monnerat, 2019)
- Cinema Italia: The Country Boy (Franco Castellano and Giuseppe Moccia, 1984)
- Lesvos Mutual Aid & Solidarity Network Soli Brunch on the Steve Bikoplein
- Benefit Voku for Yemeni Worker
- Benefit for Emergency support to Sudanese Families. Performance by Jessie Nokes
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Interrogation (Ryszard Bugajski, 1989)
- Radical Sunday School – 2 KOOL 4 SKOOL
- Squatter’s Legal Defence Fund benefit voku. El Mo Collective: World Music Open Mic
- Radical Sunday School: Against Intellectualism
- Language Cafe – Taal Cafe
- Benefit Voku for the Future 2
- Movie night: Low Life
- Benefit Voku for Mapuche Community “Lof Buchile/Oyarzo- Calfú”
- June 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit voku for Jorge Esquivel, punk prisoner in Mexico
- Aman molli concert with Primi Secondi
- Cinema Italia: Perfect Strangers (Paolo Genovese, 2016)
- Grote Glazen en kleine lettertjes, poetry night
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Hola, ¿estás sola? (Iciar Bollain, 1995)
- Benefit voku for ROSA (Radical Organisation of Students in Amsterdam)
- Benefit voku for Venezuelan refugee family. Performance by Bella Luna
- Voku benefit: in Defense of Barroso
- Film screening and discussion on Criminalization and Migration. “Tell me, Europa” (Merel Groels)
- Freedom of Press & Nationalism in India: Discussion & Movie night: Gauri (documentary by Kavitha Lankesh)
- Volkseten Vegazulu & performance with Lasha Rukhadze
- Benefit Voku to support Phoenix Amsterdam
- July 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Movie night: The Uprising (Pravini Baboeram, 2019)
- Benefit Voku for The Future
- Cinema Italia: The Mafia Kills Only in Summer (Pierfrancesco Diliberto, 2013)
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Who’s Singin’ Over There? (Slobodan Sijan, 1980)
- Live Hip Hop: Saint Nusu & Messy B.A.O.
- Benefit Voku in solidarity with the squatted neighbourhood of Prosfygika
- Release concert by Johannes Karst (cello, voice)
- Benefit VoKu for The Freedom Theater in Jenin
- August 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Favourites of the Moon (Otar Iosseliani, 1984)
- Benefit voku No Border Camp 2023
- Benefit Voku: other indias
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Zahrada (Martin Sulik, 1995)
- Voku for Roma Community in Slovakia – Performance by Your Local Pirates!
- Voku Benefit for Medical Costs
- September 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku Benefit for legal support group and squat in Briancon
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Air-doll (Hirokazu Kore-eda, 2009)
- Vegan Dinner and DIY Market in solidarity with No Border Kitchen, Lesvos.
- Joe’s Garage 18th birthday, 18 years Pretoriusstraat 43
- Samidoun benefit voku
- Esperanto Workshops
- Cinema Italia: Bianca (Nanni Moretti, 1984)
- October 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku Benefit for Family Reunification
- Voku benefit for legal solidarity fund
- Voku for Piepend en Krakend
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Nola Darling (Spike Lee, 1986)
- Horeca United fundraiser voku
- Benefit for safe house in the Balkans. Concert with Per Verse Vis (Dirty Folk)
- Cormorani Live, benefit concert for Evagelismos squat in Heraklion, Crete
- Justice for Kostas Manioudakis. Rebetiko night, voku and concert with Rebet GuitarS
- Proxy Cafe, basic IT security practices
- Bike courier benefit diner
- Aman molli: Rebetiko music workshop with Eirini Zogali
- Cinema Italia: Blown to the heart (Gianni Amelio, 1982)
- November 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Fundraising voku for medical expenses
- Radical Sunday School for Palestine
- Palestinian movie night: Homage by Assassination (Elia Suleiman, 1992), Aisheen, Still Alive in Gaza (Nicolas Wadimoff, 2010)
- Fundraising Dinner by Mokum Tegen Fascisme
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Sambizanga (Sarah Maldoror, 1972)
- KO.A.LA. Fund for Fines Benefit Dinner
- The Want, An Evening of Theatre and Talks
- Collective Clay Workshop
- Radical Sunday School: How to “teach” like an anarchist
- Benefit voku for squatters’ legal costs
- Benefit VoKu for The Freedom Theater in Jenin
- Cinema Italia: The Conformist (Bernardo Bertolucci, 1970)
- Voku benefit for Solidarity Collectives
- VoKu benefit + Documentary Screening “Hotel Mokum” for ZZW Rafelrand Mobilization
- December 2023 at Joe’s Garage
- Radical Sunday School: Germany, Europe and Anti-Antisemitism, Or: why you are not supposed to criticise Israel
- Fedayin: The Struggle of Georges Abdallah (Vacarmes, 2020)
- LAG benefit voku
- Proxy Cafe, DJ workshop with Mixxx on Linux (Part 1)
- ORCA (Organized students for Radical Climate Action) with SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) Voku
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Nakba film
- Benefit voku for squatters legal defence fund
- Benefit VoKu for the Bushulo Mother and Child Speciality Center in Hawassa, Ethiopia
- Cinema Italia: Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (Elio Petri, 1970)
- Khunth Fundraiser
- January 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Screw the Smalltalk VOKU for No Border Kitchen Lesvos
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Sexmisja (Juliusz Machulski, 1984)
- Proxy Cafe, Radar workshop
- Radar benefit voku
- Radical Sunday School: Threading a Narrative, Storytelling Workshop
- Movie night: 20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, 2023)
- Voku Benefit for Unaccompanied, Homeless Minor Support Group
- other indias watch party: All Was Good + A Night of Knowing Nothing (screening & discussion)
- Aman molli: Concert with Rebetiko Trio (Vangelis Hatzigiannis, Mirsini Athitaki, Eirini Zogali)
- Cinema Italia: Pasqualino Settebellezze (Lina Wertmüller, 1975)
- Radical Sunday School: Learning about the Vrije Bond
- February 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Changing Skins (Andreas Dresen, 1997)
- Voku for a Comrade’s Medical Costs
- Radical Sunday School: Mapping Anarchism in China, the Netherlands, and Elsewhere
- Screw the Smalltalk VOKU for No Border Kitchen Lesvos
- Voku for Solidarity With Migrants & book presentation ‘The Light of the Beast’ by Pablo Allison
- In Its Own Right – To Multiply Voices of Palestinian Artists
- Radical Sunday School: Care as Political Warfare, a group discussion on activist care
- Debt solidarity voku
- AUFree Palestine voku
- An evening for Palestine
- Cinema Italia: Good morning, night (Marco Bellocchio, 2003)
- Legal costs benefit voku with Your Local Pirates
- Radical Sunday School: Legal Workshop
- Film screening: Une île et une nuit (An Island and One Night)
- ORCA Fundraising & Integration Voku
- March 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku for Sudan’s Emergency Response Rooms
- Welcome Home: a book conversation with Clarrie Pope
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: five obstrructions
- Benefit Voku for All4All, Utrecht
- Radical Sunday School: Learning through “World” Travelling – But not the Worlds You Think
- Radical Sunday School: St. Patrick’s day for Palestine!
- Voku for solidarity with single mother
- Radar benefit voku
- Radical Sunday School: Feeling, Shaping and Talking About Desire
- Cinema Italia: The Battle of Algiers (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1966)
- Benefit voku for propaganda
- SkRrRew the Smalltalk VOKU 4 No Border Kitchen Lesvos by ZZW Rafelrand
- April 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Voku for L’Auberge des Migrants, Calais
- Aman molli concert with Primi Secondi
- Radical Sunday School: Against morality. Why I don’t fight for freedom, justice and equality… and why you shouldn’t either!
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Ogro (Gillo Pontecorvo, 1979)
- Voku for Amsterdam BANGS Theatre and Performance Festival
- Solidarity Voku for Belarusian Political Prisoners
- Radical Sunday School Birthday Party
- Koken tegen Fascisme
- Benefit VoKu to help pay for a comrades legal expenses
- Concert with Yiannis Chaldoupis & Nikos Tsop (Greek Gypsy World Music with a twist)
- Benefit Voku for Greek Comrades legal costs
- Proxy Cafe – Smash the firewall: digital defense for the misfits
- Solidarity Voku for Stop Gaza Starvation – Urgent Aid to Gaza
- SkKkrew the Smalltalk! VOKU for ZZW Rafelrand Chicken Costumes
- May 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit Voku for Darfur Women Action Group, Sudan, by SKRAPS Solidarity Kitchen
- Proxy Cafe – The Pirate’s Guide to the (web)Galaxy
- Presentation and discussion on the book Casa Encantada, portrait of the struggle for housing in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: Burnt Out? Health and Illness Under Post-Fordism
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Killer of Sheep (Charles Burnett, 1978)
- Voku in support of Students
- SkKkrew the Smalltalk! VOKU ZZW Rafelrand 4 Palestine Demo Legal Fees
- Voku for Amsterdam BANGS Theatre and Performance Festival
- Proxy Cafe – DJ workshop with Mixxx pt4 – Match the beat
- Voku for Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam
- The Boys: Loose Jazz Concert
- Radical Sunday School: Fighting housing injustice with the BPW
- Cinema Italia: Lamerica (Gianni Amelio, 1994)
- June 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Radical Sunday School: Mad Pride! Psychiatric Abolition as a Movement
- Voku for De Drie Duyfjes
- Indian elections – holding space for reflections
- Voku in support of student protests
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: Student Movements, Then and Now. From Maagdenhuis to Binnengasthuisterrein
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Death of a Bureaucrat (Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, 1966)
- Benefit Voku for Weavers of Resistance
- Benefit dinner for T-RRex, Trans Radical Resource exchange
- Aman molli experimental: Exploration of audiovisual interventions in post-rebetiko era
- Raising Radicals
- Radical Sunday School: Kill the nuclear family in your head
- SkKkrew the Smalltalk! VOKU ZZW Rafelrand 4 Legal Costs
- Benefit Voku for a Soup Kitchen in Khartoum, by SKRAPS Solidarity Kitchen
- Cinema Italia: Fantozzi (Luciano Salce, 1975)
- Voku Benefit in Solidarity with Barroso
- July & August 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku by Neuroqueer Group Amsterdam
- Fundraiser for Manipur
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: Solarpunk, What Would a Brighter Future Look Like?
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Chocolat (Claire Denis, 1988)
- De Drie Duyfjes benefit voku
- Raising Radicals
- Voku benefit Woningsdag w/ live music: Lyngfarer and Ancient Hostility (anarcho folk)
- Voku & mobilization for the No Border Camp 2024
- Proxy Repair Cafe
- Benefit for Ringdijk
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Our Daily Bread (King Vidor, 1934)
- Benefit for medicals costs of Lola
- Solidarity VoKu for BANGS
- Extended distended openended revolutionary sunday movie
- Benefit voku for Disgraça in Lisbon
- Proxy Cafe
- September 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Radical Sunday School: Demands, Limits and Ethics of Activism
- VoKu benefit for a (no) border collective
- Benefit Voku for a Sudanese refugee family, by SKRAPS Solidarity Kitchen
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: How to dress like an anarchist
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Nov Lituania
- Proxy Cafe: the backup edition
- Solidarity VoKu for Memoria Mediterranea
- Joe’s Garage open assembly
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Radical Sunday School: Mastering your machine. Towards a liberatory relationship with computers
- Benefit voku for Palestinian Family Khaled & Bassam, by ZZW Rafelrand
- Esperanto Workshop: presentation
- Amsterdam BANGS Joe’s Garage! VoKu + Performances
- Aman molli experimental: Exploration of audiovisual interventions in post-rebetiko era
- Radical Sunday School: Why I don’t fight for or against anything
- Solidarity VoKu for an anarchist prisoner
- Solidarity VoKu-New Energy for Rojava
- Radical Sunday School: Anarchist Pedagogy in the Netherlands
- Cinema Italia: The Incredible Army of Brancaleone (Mario Monicelli, 1966)
- SKRAPS solidarity kitchen: benefit dinner supporting the Iku community in Colombia. Concert by Catsnout
- October 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Voku for displaced Palestinian family
- Radical Sunday School: Reclaim the Land! – Commons and Private Ownership
- Proxy Cafe: rom romance. How I learned to stop worrying and love my degoogled phone
- Solidarity VoKu-New Energy for Rojava
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Radical Sunday School: What’s wrong with academia?
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Inkubo (Leslie Stevens, 1966)
- Falasteen Fundraiser, voku for a family in Gaza
- Voku Benefit to help A.casă in Cluj-Napoca
- Radical Sunday School: Fuck this Job! Taking Power Back at Work
- Voku for family Baroud in Gaza
- Anarcha-feminist readings and discussions
- Voku for Barzakh Cultural space in Beirut
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- No Border Kitchen Benefit VoKu
- Grasugga solidarity kitchen: Three Dishes inspired on the horrors of Dutch migration policies
- November 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Palestine Cinema Days: Resistance, Why? (Christian Ghazi, 1971) and Naila and the Uprising (Julia Bacha, 2017)
- Raising Radicals – Zine making
- Radical Sunday School: Open Session: What is Radical Sunday School?
- Falasteen Fundraiser, voku for a family in Gaza
- Esperanto Workshops
- Benefit voku for Help 4 Dunkerque (H4D)
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- All Crafts Are Beautiful – 1 year/1 jaar birthday!
- Radical Sunday School: Corruption 101, why you should have friends
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: The Net – Unabomber, LSD & Internet. The hidden side of the Internet (Lutz Dammbeck, 2003)
- Benefit voku to support a political prisoner & letter writing
- Aman molli experimental: Exploration of audiovisual interventions in post-rebetiko era
- Aman molli: Concert with Mosaic
- Dutch Language Class: Alphabet & Pronunciation
- Radical Sunday School, Anarchism 101: Everything you’ve always wanted to know about anti-authoritarian socialism (but were too afraid to ask)
- Cinema Italia: Many Years Ago (Francesco Rosi, 1970)
- SKRAPS solidarity kitchen: benefit Voku supporting Colectivo las Abejas
- Dutch Language Class
- Radical Sunday School: Autonomy, Authority, Anarchism, and Abuse: What does (un)freedom feel like?
- Book presentation: “Squats & Pirates, chronicles of occupations in Barcelona and elsewhere”
- SKRAPS solidarity kitchen: benefit voku for a Trans Queer Refugee’s Legal Expenses
- Solidarity Voku for squatted Prosfygika in Athens
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Movie night: Famine 33 (Oles Yanchuk, 1991)
- December 2024 at Joe’s Garage
- Benefit voku for Street Aid Daily Odesa, Ukraine
- Aman molli: Concert with Altana Trio
- Info-Evening with Tom Harris on pressure campaigning, police repression and the SHAC campaign
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: Nationalism and Invented Traditions
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Ecstasy of Angels (Kōji Wakamatsu, 1972)
- Solidarity Voku for Palestinian Family in Gaza
- Solidarity voku for our comrades in Peru fighting against mining companies
- Aman molli: Concert of rebetiko from Piraeus and Smyrna (Eirini Zogali, Yvonne Melissa, Panos Tsamouras)
- Radical Sunday School: Anarchist Sex Ed, Radical (&) Queer Mingle
- Benefit No Border Kitchen and Announcement Documentary Screening by ZZW & friends
- Dutch Language Classes
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Mutual Aid Exchange – Christmas Edition
- Ukraine Support Voku [SOBER]
- Antichrist(mas) – Fuck your Hallmark Holiday VoKu
- Screening “De Zinkende Rafelrand”
- Benefit voku for a new squatted social center in Rotterdam
- January 2025 at Joe’s Garage
- Raising Radicals
- Radical Sunday School: Reflections & Resolutions
- Benefit Voku for Takland Vrijstraat
- Solidarity Voku for Hamoudi’s family from Gaza
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Cleaning Weekend & Joe’s Garage open assembly
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: Public Intellectuals – Why would anyone listen to Jordan Peterson or Slavoj Žižek?
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Turtles Can Fly (Bahman Ghobadi, 2004)
- Benefit for the family of Moussa Balde
- Solidarity Voku for Gaza Soup Kitchen
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Radical Sunday School: Should I take a Holiday? Ethical travel and Global capitalism
- Cinerevolt: PFLP Declaration of World War (Kōji Wakamatsu and Masao Adachi, 1971)
- Voku for Baroud family currently displaced in Gaza featuring a squatting musical
- Proxy Cafe: mail providers
- Benefit for Dyke Dungeon legal fees
- Radical Sunday School: AI and Discrimination
- What happening in Greece? Screening-discussion with Yannis Youlountas and his new film ‘We are not afraid of ruins’
- SKRAPS solidarity kitchen: benefit voku for a Trans Queer Refugee’s Legal Expenses
- Benefit Dinner for a Mountain-Workshop at Mas L’ombra
- February 2025 at Joe’s Garage
- Radical Sunday School: How to Make Friends, Putting the Social Back in Socialism
- Cinema Italia: Cinema Paradiso (Giuseppe Tornatore, 1988)
- Benefit Dinner for Keizersgracht 318
- Aman molli: Practice of east Mediterranean Music
- Joe’s Garage open assembly
- All Crafts Are Beautiful
- Radical Sunday School: How to Run a Community Dinner
- Can Dialectics Break Bricks Cinema: Careful (Guy Maddin, 1992)
- Voku to support families in Gaza who lost their homes during the genocide
- Voku for African refugees in Turkey
- February 2025 (11)
- January 2025 (22)
- December 2024 (19)
- November 2024 (26)
- October 2024 (17)
- September 2024 (23)
- August 2024 (7)
- July 2024 (11)
- June 2024 (17)
- May 2024 (15)
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- Assembly
- Benefiet
- Book presentation
- children's activity
- Debat
- Demonstratie
- Events
- exhibition
- Feest
- Filmavond
- Gender
- Infoavond
- Infocafe
- Manifestatie
- Media
- Meeting
- Mutual Aid
- Muziek
- Newsletter
- Nieuws
- Poetry
- Poster archive
- Protest
- Reading group
- Solidarity
- Theater
- Volkseten/Voku
- Weggeefwinkel
- Woonstrijd
- Workshop
Sitemap created with WP Realtime Sitemap.